This was shared by one of my facebook friends, Charity Giannico - TopicsExpress


This was shared by one of my facebook friends, Charity Giannico Birr. This is her husbands story: So, my loving wife keeps telling me I need to tell my story, so here it goes. In December after Christmas I went to the doctor for my DOT physical. Doc states well Shawn we have some issues to work on. I know my weight is too high. Doc looks at me and states your weight is fine you are just 6 inches to short. Well, I laugh and told him that was the same line I used on him 2 years ago. My numbers were not good. Bad cholesterol was borderline too high, good cholesterol was too low, triglycerides way too high, and blood pressure was on the edge of too high. So with the history of heart issues in my family it is not if I will have a heart attack, but when. So, I decided I needed to make some changes. So, on January 2nd, my loving wife and I joined a gym. After being on the treadmill for only 15 minutes on slow I thought I was going to die, but I kept going every day I could go. After about 1 month I was up to a walk and run for 30 minutes. After 6 weeks I was up to 45 minutes at a walk and run. Then I hurt my knee. Well that slowed me down for a little while so I switched to the elliptical. The elliptical was harder and I noticed it I pushed myself I could burn anywhere from 600 to 1000 calories per work out depending on how long I worked out. On January 6th, my wife and I started a diet (the 17 day diet). I not going to lie it was hard for about the first week. After that it got better. And I am not going to tell you I did not cheat but I did. But for the most part I stuck to the diet. Now on the diet we ate a lot of food but it was stuff good for you and not processed. The meals we ate the most were chicken and vegetables and vegetables and chicken LOL. But after the first month or so we started having a cheat day and behaving the rest of the week. On our cheat days we tried to not to go too over board, but we would have pork chops on the grill and potatoes and a vegetable. I put out my spearing house in December before Christmas break there was only about 4 inches of snow on the ice and about 6 to 8 inches of ice and by the time I got my house out to the super secret spot. I was exhausted and had to go home and sleep. Now skip ahead 3 months and it is time to take off the spear house. I had to walk out farther then in December to get to the spear house and had to drag the house all the way back to the landing in knee deep snow and slush. But I was able to do it without having a heart attack!!! I do not know if I would have been able to do it in December. Now after 4 months of working out I hit the wall. I was not losing any more weight and was not losing any inches. This went on for 3 months. I changed my workouts and some of the food and still no change in weight or inches. Then I started taking Plexus in July. The first week or two really nothing changed I did feel a little more energy. Then I started see the inches fall off. In July I was wearing a size 36 inch waist and they fit well. Now two months later I had to buy 34’s because my jeans could be pulled right off without undoing the button. I feel great!!!! In June I had some ankle pain after about two weeks on Plexus Slim that was gone. I get migraine headaches so bad that I would get sick from the pain and sleep all day and the next day I would walk around feeling like I was hung over all day. I have not gotten a migraine since June. Everybody who knows me, know I am a sceptic when it comes to just about everything, but this does work as long as you give it time to work. I sleep better, look, and feel healthier than I have ever been. I have the energy to go and get things done and do not feel like I need to sleep all the time or take naps just to get through my day. I look and feel AWESOME!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 11:09:40 +0000

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