This was shared by one of our team members for July 2014. Thank - TopicsExpress


This was shared by one of our team members for July 2014. Thank you Lee for sharing your heart. Sportscenter ran this clip of David Nelson (WR for NY Jets) tonight and it reminded me of my trip to Haiti this summer. As I sat down talking to our Haitian interpreter, he shared with me these words, Haiti doesnt need money or materials, what Haiti needs is love. Money given without love is nothing. These are words that I will never forget. These words changed my perspective. While in Haiti, I was completely heartbroken as I witnessed all of the poverty that the people lived in. No running water. No electricity. No air conditioner. No money. Seemingly, no hope. In my mind, I was thinking about all the things I have and how little Haitians have. I was trying to think of things I could tangibly give or do to fix it. One of the Last days we were there, we had free-time to hike a trail in the mountains. As we got off the bus to hike, I was greeted by a preteen Haitian boy who took to me instantly. He didnt speak an ounce of English, but he grabbed my hand and did not let go the entire way up and down the mountain (4hrs). Honestly, I was a bit uncomfortable holding this young mans hand as we walked, but I didnt let go. In those moments as we locked hands, God taught me what it looks like to love people. It doesnt always mean giving them materials, food, or water. Right then, this kid needed me to hold his hand and to show him that I truly cared for him. I needed to let go of my pride and show genuine love to this boy. I can relate to David as he offered the boy snacks, drinks, and games. The boy turned it down but instead said, hold me. In that moment, that boy didnt need materials. He needed to be held and cared for. He needed to be loved.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 06:11:34 +0000

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