This was shared in one of the groups I am a member of, and I had - TopicsExpress


This was shared in one of the groups I am a member of, and I had to share! Nicole shared: I know its long, but I couldnt help sharing. I have been aware of essential oil and herb usage for many years but found that many oils are just not what they are cut out to be. This is not to say that I have tried every EO maker out there, but I’ve certainly sampled quite a variety. I received my first doTerra product order on February 12th after attending a class at my sister-in laws house. Since then I have been taking the LLV vitamins each day since. I have also been using the toothpaste, face wash and quite a few of the oils in various ways. Since that time these are the benefits that either I or a family member have seen. 1. My boys are pretty hyper- like most kids- but we’ve been putting a little serenity and lavender on their feet each morning and they are quite a bit more relaxed. My 9 year old even takes a small roller of lemon with him to school. 2.The youngest has reactive airway syndrome (early asthma) and we have quickly learned to rely on the Breathe product. The little guy will even come and ask for it. Why? Because he knows that it makes him feel better. 3. In addition to Breathe, he frequently requests Frankincense and Serenity before bed. Actually he’s developed his own little catch phrase “A little serenity is always nice mama” 4. I have stopped taking the blood pressure medication that we have been trying to regulate my blood pressure with for about a year. My pressure has been for the most part better over the last month than it has over the past year. It’s gone up and down a few times while I’ve experimented with oils to find the best combination for me. I am still in the exploratory phase, but the pressure is still at an acceptable level everyday. 5. I have stopped taking omeprazole. In 2001 or there about, I was diagnosed with GERD and a thinning esophageal wall. Since that time I have suffered from pretty severe acid reflux and heart burn if my ‘heart attack’ meds were not taken. Anyone that knows me, knows I always carry a roll of Rolaids or tums with me at all times. No more. I have a small vial of DigestZen with me at all times and if I feel the tiniest discomfort I simply put a drop on my chest and the pain is gone INSTANTLY. Not in 10 or 15 minutes, INSTANTLY. If it doesn’t happen instantly I’ve found that I either need a second drop, or if it’s really bad, a little on my feet. 6. Once a pretty normal taker of ibuprofen due to pathetic and weak back muscles and suffereing from headaches and the occasional migraine. No more. Have not had any Advil or Aleve since before 2/11/14. Thank you lavender and my blessed Serenity. I love you both and take you with me everywhere. Deep Blue is also used when the muscles are really aching from stress or physical labor. 7. Generally when old Aunt Flo comes cruising around at her favorite time of the month I’m cranky, my face breaks out and no one wants to really be in the general area. Not this month. Not a pimple to be found and no cramps. Wow. I mean seriously, WOW. Since I had a Paragard IUD put in back in 2010 my periods have been off the chain painful. Back, hips, breasts and the whole general feeling of discomfort. Not so much this month, not so much at all. Not really sure exactly why, but my best guess would be the LLV vitamin pack. 8. Over the past year my dentist and I have been ‘watching’ my two front teeth. I noticed one of them starting to discolor and then noticed a single crack appear down both teeth. Fear struck. The dentist did a couple tests and we determined that the nerves are likely dying. Of course this is a BIG deal. These are my two front teeth for goodness sake and anyone who knows me knows that I’m a freak about my teeth. We only get one good free pair! Well I am beyond excited about my next dentist appt. I have noticed that when I brush my teeth I can’t see the cracks anymore. This is AH-MAZING!!! Upon closer scrutiny in an extremely bright light I can still see the cracks, but they are ‘less’ than before. I didn’t even know that teeth COULD heal!!! It’s only been a month, so I can’t wait to see what happens over the next couple months. 9. My grandmother has been having some serious pain with her shoulder and hips, especially after having a defibulator put in for her heart. After using Deep Blue one time she was hooked and ready to go salsa dancing. She’s 83 years old and literally got up and danced a couple of songs. Impressive. For sure. She has since ordered a tube of Deep Blue for her nephew. Pending feedback from him. 10. My mother fractured a couple of ribs. Serious pain. Deep blue touched on it a tiny bit… but after I referenced my guide I decided to try out a little lavender and frankincense on her. She said within about 20 minutes she couldn’t even feel the pain. Again, impressive. 11. My mother in law and father in law both have some pain issues and I’ve been spreading that deep blue around about as much as I spread my hugs and they too have fell in love with the results… after just ONE use and asked for a tube. 12. And lastly, I mentioned above in #4 that I have been exploring with oils to help my blood pressure. Marjoram is one that was in the mix. I found that it did not seem to have an effect on my pressure, at least not an immediate effect, yet I still was compelled to put this oil on my feet morning and night. I wasn’t real sure why, but figured hey why not! It’s good for all sorts of things, including muscle issues and stress. Well after feeling kind of weepy and emotional for a couple weeks, I ordered a copy of the Emotions & Essential Oils book and learned that Marjoram is helping with one of my largest mental issues. Trust. There are not many that I trust and I manage to severe every meaningful relationship that I have eventually. Here lately I’ve been feeling more loving and willing to open up. This statement is proof of that. That’s my story at one month. What will happen next month? VERY glad to have doTerra in our lives.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 18:15:06 +0000

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