This was the original 10 steps re-post as requested :) STEP 1 - TopicsExpress


This was the original 10 steps re-post as requested :) STEP 1 De-clutter your house Did u know research proves that cluttered spaces prevent you from relaxing, functioning efficiently and even from sleeping soundly? Archive boxes or storage tubs are a great way of neatly organising things but above all GET RID OF THE THINGS YOU DONT NEED OR USE and take them to your local vinnies or salvos store / deposit bin THIS WEEKEND! Start with the easy rooms first, you will be more motivated if you dont get stuck going through drawers of paperwork to start with (yaaawn)! Dont get sidetracked! Set an alarm on your phone or the oven timer. Give yourself half an hour in the easy rooms and an hour in the tricky ones and just keep moving! You can do it :-) It will take time & energy but make it a fun! Turn up some music, put some snacks out for refuelling and have fun with it! If you can, get your friends or family involved too, everything is more fun with company! When youve accomplished this you will feel better about the space around you AND if you donated some items to charity you can also feel great about that too! If you lose motivation remember that if you do it properly you won’t have to face it again for months AND step 2 is just around the corner!!!!! STEP 2 Who are you going to see over the next day or two that means a lot to you? It might be your kids, your partner, your mum or dad, a good friend, even your pets (no I’m not joking animals are sometimes much nicer than people)! Whoever it is SHOW THEM how much you care about them. Be active in your feelings for them, we can all say love u or thanks or whatever but make a gesture of kindness that is more than just words. Time is the greatest gift so if this task means the dishes don’t get done tonight let it be :) Give a hug, make a cuppa, go for a walk, turn the TV off, talk, play a game, just whatever it is DO IT TOGETHER and let that person know without a doubt that they mean the world to you :) STEP 2.5 (hehehe) Let yourself dance and sing and be silly... it does wonders for your mood :) STEP 3 So in step 2 it was about someone you know, this step is for someone you don’t know.... Make cheerful conversation with someone over the weekend, it could be the service station attendant, shop assistant, waiter even someone in the same isle as you at the supermarket, just whoever you happen to be in a position to chat with. A few simple friendly words can completely change someone’s day... Don’t forget to smile xxx STEP 4 Dont complain for one whole day and see what happens :-) If you can keep it up all weekend and you will see and feel a huge difference! STEP 5 (its very fivey) Make a wish list... * 5 things you would like to achieve this year. * 5 things you would like to achieve in the next five years. You need to write this down somewhere you will see it!! So many good intentions end up on a piece of paper scrunched up in the bottom of a drawer or scrawled in the back of a note pad. Make it visible, keep yourself accountable & be ambitious but realistic! No one gets anywhere without a plan so this is the formula... Each achievement has five steps... (Yep FIVE who would have guessed lol) 1. Identify your dreams 2. Plan towards them 3. Set interim goals along the way to stay motivated 4. Be proactive and never lose sight of your dreams 5. Achievement = your dream becomes a reality Remember your dreams can be as small or big as you like! Thats why they are YOUR dreams xxx You can be anything you want to be you just have to make it happen! Hi FIVE ;-) STEP 5 ½ (hehehe) Keep a hug-a-logue How many hugs do you give a receive today & more importantly how awesome are they?!!! Hugs make so many things feel better :-) STEP 6 Taking time is not a waste of time! We are all busy right? The pressures of modern life affect every single person and its very easy to feel like you are just about at breaking point at any given moment (some days more than others). The whole point of this exercise is to learn to eliminate that overwhelming feeling of helplessness over our own daily struggles. The problem is that when we take time out for ourselves we often feel guilty so first of all you need to make peace with the fact that taking time is not in any way selfish and in fact will help you to function better in the long run. First you have to find your time. Identify where you can grab 10 minutes... Yup TEN MINUTES, some of you are laughing because it seems like a miniscule amount of me time while all the mothers of young kids are screaming out Yea Right Im lucky if I get 30 seconds in the loo without interruption lol Im hearing you but you can do it!!! I assure you even the busiest person in the world can find 10 minutes, like all things its a choice, something might have to give or you might have to tell someone no to an impromptu visit or god forbid you may need to step away from the vacuum cleaner and just let it be... but EVERYONE has time, you just need to find yours. Once you have found your time you need to use it, there are various cliched remedies for relaxation but you need to find the one that works for you there are only two essential components: 1) Breathe - (10 minutes without breathing would have an adverse affect on your health lol) you should see your belly filling up more so than your chest, count of 7 to breath in and the same for the out breath. 2) Be still - sit comfortably or even better lay down (if you can add sunshine to this mix you are set)! You will need to concentrate on counting your breathing so you will find that most other thoughts will be pushed aside, if you still cant focus, music is a great option, three songs and you are done. Its that simple. Once you complete your time make sure that you dont launch into madly rushing, you need to be fluent and relaxed as you go through the rest of your day. Life isnt a race or about keeping up with others, sometimes you have to make a choice which means you won’t finish first but your journey will have been a lot more pleasant, set your own pace and be the exception to the rule. There is a lot of science behind this so I could go on (yes believe me I actually could... on and on and on lol) STEP 7 Grow something new! Some of you already have beautiful gardens others of you live in shared rentals with nothing outside but concrete, others of you spend most of your time in an office... But somewhere there is a sunny indoor spot near a window, that is just for you. I want you to plant a seed in a small pot or cup. Everyday it needs Sunlight & Water. Everyday it needs YOU! It can be a seed from inside your apple or a flower or anything you like but I want you to take care of it and watch it grow and it will teach you things! Time, patience & nurturing One little seed + you STEP 8 Turn off the TV for a whole 24 hours For some of you this is simple so feel free to extend to a week, for others not so much and for a lot it will make you realise how much you actually watch! Its easy to get lost in the drama of television. Some people say its how they relax and unwind. This challenge is to those people especially, see what you can make of that time. Read, play, think, focus, relax in different ways... just try it I hear people complain CONSTANTLY about TV, about something they saw or what someone did or said. The freedom of not watching is worth a try! There are many reasons for less TV in our lives, the obvious one is physical health but in my opinion its more a mental health issue. Like all things less is more xxx If you are frowny on the inside or think you know someone who is, its time to reach out... This is your STEP 9 xxx Hello Hollydayers Those who have been following along will know that all the steps have been based upon acts of kindness, to others and to ourselves and the process of creating a peaceful space. If you have done all or even some of the steps you will undoubtedly have noticed a positive change. None of the steps are complicated, they are just simple every day things. You dont need a degree to improve your daily life, you are already an expert, sometimes we just dont realise it! The only requirement is heart and mind and everyone has those, just that some choose not to use them or sometimes we just get carried away in this little thing called life which has a way of making us focus on the things that matter least instead of those that matter most, which leads me to... STEP 10 REALITY CHECK Ask anyone whats important to them and they will usually say the same thing family / friends / loved ones yet time after time we put those people on hold because we are busy with life, we do this because no matter what family is there, its a constant and at times we take it for granted. My challenge to you and indeed to myself is to make life less complicated so we have more time for what is important. Think about want & expectation over need and ask yourself why we are drawn to being so busy and why we strive for perfection in physical appearance or financial position. Learn to say no and accept that less IS more. Be kind, be peaceful and above all else be true to yourself! I will leave you with a quote I saw yesterday... If you follow the crowd you may get lost in it
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 23:15:33 +0000

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