This was the story shared in Yesterdays Khutbah: True incident - TopicsExpress


This was the story shared in Yesterdays Khutbah: True incident happened in Bangalore!!! One brother said, On Saturday i received call from my wife -. Sister xxxxxx (not to mention the name) is no more - her words pierced my ear. What?- i was shocked!! My wifes weeping voice weakened me also. Suddenly hundreds of events related to sister started flashing to my mind. She was up to her name - Sumayya. Lady who sacrificed immensely for the sake of deen. Born in a hindu family, her quest for religion, God, truth drove her towards Christianity initially. She was hardly 13-14 that time. As she was about to become Christian, something important happened in her life. She somehow got a Quran. Read it, understood so much so that she decided to become muslim. She accepted the deen of Almighty God, struggled to survive. She was thrown out of home, wandering in despair. Sometime landed in an NGO, sometime landed in another place. Her struggling life solely for the sake of deen made her see days wherein she had to survive on 10rs per day earning!!! She bravely fought tides of life. Once she did not have any money for her treatment. She approached a doctor and promised him that she will work at his office in order to re-pay his treatment charge. He rebuked thinking her to be liar. He did check-up. She paid his bill by working for some days at his clinic. So much was strong was her faith. Her struggling life got some relief when she came in touch with islamic dawah center. I came into picture in 2007 /08 when a brother from that dawah center sent me her biodata for marriage. I promised that i will help up to my level best. I tried hard to get suitable match for her. Mashallah she was strong- faith muslimah who has sacrificed lot for the sake of deen. She got married to a very nice and pious muslim. By this time she was good friend of my wife. They would regularly talk / chat. She along with her husband and little kid came to our home. We were family friends. We were constantly in touch with them till 1 year back when my wife lost mobile and all numbers. Kids, job etc made us busy such that interaction was very less in pass 1 year. Birth related complications were so severe that doctor had told them 1 months back that her survival chance - after giving birth - will be hardly 5%. They both - husband & wife - understood the message. She planned everything that need to be done after her death. Her 4 year old daughter understands that her mother has gone to paradise; but - probably - this innocent soul does not know that its one way traffic. After some time surely she will ask her father about her mother. The new born kid - premature one - is struggling in incubator to survive because of low weight. Their father is keeping all calm to make himself ready for upcoming challenges. He told me that his wife had planned things for kids - he did not elaborate further. Tear never stop flowing from my eyes when i remember her zeal for deen, her strong emaan, her active participation in islamic activities, running islamic magazine. She lead the life of her Email signature which she would send in her mail; it reads: Say: Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death, are (all) for Allah, the Cherisher of the Worlds: Quran 6:162 Verily she lead her life as per that. Someone dies = bad news. Everyone will die = good news. Once again this event has shocked me to core, made me speechless, dumb... dont know how to react. We have no choice BUT to accept that we have been made for akhrat, we have come from GOD and towards him is our final return. For sure - this life of world is nothing compared to eternal life of akhrat. I wish and pray that May almighty God give highest level of paradise for sister of islam - Sister xxxxxx (name not to be mentioned) Really missing u. May Allah lighten her grave. —
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 19:29:49 +0000

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