This was written by Mark & Christine Morehart who attend the - TopicsExpress


This was written by Mark & Christine Morehart who attend the Chapel – I just had to share!! And He said, “The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground, and should sleep by night and rise by day, and the seed should sprout and grow, he himself does not know how. For the earth yields crops by itself: first the blade, then the head, after that the full grain in the head. But when the grain ripens, immediately he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come.” ~ Mark 4:26~29 You and I have the honor of being farmers. The word of God goes out, and it gets implanted into the lives of those around us and we get the privilege of carrying a sack of seed around with us. And so as it is with the farmer, we never know where those seeds will germinate, or even if we will get to see them poke through the soil. None the less, the farmer keeps sowing the seeds in the hope (and in the knowledge) that he will one day watch a seedling sprout, see a crop mature, and at the end of the growing season, receive a harvest. Even though we may be the one sowing the seed, there are times we too need to be replanted, even though we know the word of God we may need to be replenished. There is a constant cycle that goes on right before our eyes, and it is the cycle of sowing and reaping. Oddly enough, whatever kind of seed gets thrown into the earth, what grows is the same type of plant. If a farmer plants corn seed, up pops corn. If he plants cucumber seed, he will get cucumbers. No one, has ever planted broccoli and expected a banana tree to rise up in its place. Likewise, if we want the word of God to grow in our own lives and into the hearts of those around it, we will need to sow God’s word. Not an “in your face” sharing of the word, but maybe you will have a chance to see a beautiful sunset, and just look at it with your friend, and simply say “I know who painted that”. Perhaps one day, you go to the hospital to see a newborn of a coworker, and that gives you an opportunity to mention what a miracle that little baby is, and how blessed by God they are. Most of the seed that will grow, will come from the way you live your life. Living out a sermon is far more effective than preaching it, and a life lived in the path of righteousness, will yield a better crop of believers than 100 proclamations.
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 15:40:44 +0000

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