This was written by someone that I care about a great deal. - TopicsExpress


This was written by someone that I care about a great deal. Please read her story. The Abuse Story of a Blonde-haired, Blue-eyed Girl By: Mimi Brown I didnt show him the respect he feels he deserves. I felt his power over me, but I did not use my voice. I just did what he told me to do. I was silent. Compliant. Terrified. Day after day, he put me down. He called me names. He screamed at me. He put his hands on me. They were forceful. They hurt. I held back my tears. My rage. He threatened me. He laughed at me. He laughed in my face. He made jokes about the clothes I was wearing. He pushed me down on the ground. He told me the ways in which he would make my life hell if I didnt cooperate. He bound my hands together. He would tell lies, and since he had the power, they would believe him over me. My friends told me to do something about it. I didnt know what to do. He had the power. I felt hopeless. Helpless. I felt like a coward. I felt less than human. I felt small. I felt invisible. I tried to do something about it. I talked. I told. Nothing happened to him. I paid for it later. He found out. He found me. I was even more afraid. I have nightmares. Im embarrassed to even tell the stories of the things he has done to me. I try to forget that it even happened. But it happened so much. So often. Then one day I found out that it was happening to the next person he got his hands on. For some reason, that enraged me even more than what he had done to me. I felt like I could finally take a stand. I felt like I could take action for the next person, for some reason that was easier. There was no way in hell I was going to sit by and watch this man abuse another person. How many others have been affected? How many will be affected in the future? It haunts me. Its not okay, what he has done. He doesnt get to walk through this world doing as he pleases with no consequences. No accountability. If only other people would help me fight. If only other people would use their voice to stand up with me. The other people he abused, but also everyone else who he hasnt abused. I hope they believe me now. There are actually more people that he hasnt abused, that is a huge group of people. But will they care, since it hasnt happened to them? How will I get them to care? How will I get them to understand that emotional and physical abuse, and assault and harassment are not okay? How will I get them to understand the pain, the anxiety, the depression, the PTSD? I just want him to stop hurting me. I want him to stop hurting other people. I just want it to end. I want police brutality, racial oppression, and the denial that they exist, to stop. And I want my friends, acquaintances, and loved ones of color to be afforded the same empathy that you felt when you thought this letter was about me being abused.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 03:28:06 +0000

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