This was written in response to a mother who objected to her 10th - TopicsExpress


This was written in response to a mother who objected to her 10th grade child having to complete an assignment where she was to design and write a brochure presenting Islam to third grade students. It was part of a worlds religions class. The assignment depicted Allah as the one true God.... My response: Another attempt by liberals to push their politically correct doctrine on Americans who fail to tow the party line. Describing Islam as a loving and peaceable religion is a lot like thrusting your bare hand into a beehive. Sooner or later, you are going to get stung and its going to hurt. Islam is not and never will be a peace loving religion. Study your history. Islamics marched across the known world at that time in the name of their god, Allah, conquering with the sword. People were given a choice, convert to Islam or die. Their basic ideology has not changed. Their Imams are vocal about their intents. Their goal is to one day rule the world and put us all under their accursed sharia law. There are a lot of peace loving Muslim people but they are irrelevant as they are not the ones setting the Islamic agenda and when a crisis happens and innocent people are killed such as on 9-11 these peace loving Muslims say nothing. They remain quiet. Why? Because they understand the goals of Islam and the holy jihad. It is only a matter of time before there is a beheading in America and the President will stand up and make a tough speech and continue to do nothing to toughen our immigration laws and stop people coming to this nation whose ideology seeks to destroy America. Its time to seal our borders and protect our American culture and way of life. Presenting Islam through term papers is just another way to desensitize our children and cause a generation to accept an ideology with open arms as peace loving when in reality such Islamic ideology only seeks Americas destruction as they do all western nations. Parents rise up against your school board peacefully but firmly and demand that such tactics to propagate an Islam lie will not be tolerated in America.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 01:44:52 +0000

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