This weather is lasting... Probably good to say a little something - TopicsExpress


This weather is lasting... Probably good to say a little something about hydration then. If anyone remembers the horizon programme on BBC2 a while back about hydration you will remember that the take home point was that we should really just drink when we are thirsty, we seem to be the only animal that needs to be told when to drink they say. Well I have a slightly different view... Many, many people seem to think that they are intact hungry when they are thirsty because the system cannot recognise the difference anymore. If you have ever heard someone say to have a drink if you are hungry and sometimes it hits the spot... That is literally what I am talking about! Try it next time you initially think you are hungry. Water can act as a appetite suppressant by distending the abdomen which sends the message of fullness to the brain. Also, less than a 2% drop in hydration can lead up to a 10% drop in strength! EVERY cell in your body needs water, chemical reactions all occur in water... If you do not have adequate amounts - you cannot perform. Your muscle is 75% water, and the brain is over 80%. How much water should you be drinking? Here is a formula to help you work it out... 0.6-0.7 ounces per pound of bodyweight or 39 ml per kg of bodyweight.** If you find that you are drinking significantly less than this, I recommend not trying to drink that amount straight away. Instead increase your consumption over a period of 2-4 weeks, or you could actually increase risk of a few problems. As for drinking for weight loss, if you are very dehydrated you may find that you gain weight slightly by increasing how much water you take in. This is because your body is retaining the water... NOT a bad thing. When you are severely dehydrated, your body cannot store all the nutrients it would like to, so it rations them, when you take more water on, it can more freely store these nutrients. So after the initially weight gain, as long as you persist with the increased amount you should be drinking, your body will become more efficient at these chemical reactions, and have all the nutrients it requires, therefore your body is able to utilise its fat stores more easily... Therefore losing body fat without actually modifying your training or diet! TRY IT! **please note: you will need to increase that number depending on your activity level and in accordance with the temperature... Which recently is obviously quite high.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 11:16:11 +0000

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