This week August starts out with a bang as - TopicsExpress


This week August starts out with a bang as Mars moves out of Libra and into passionate Scorpio. This astrological climate activates these energies within us, so lets use them to our advantage. This is a perfect time frame to manifest what you want out of life. Say it loud and proud with authenticity and grace. This is no time to be a dishrag. Tap into the resources that this unexpected strength provides. This entire month is filled with opportunity. Enjoy! Aries Long distance communication will offer an option that is quite appealing at this time. Financially or emotionally you maybe considering a change in scenery now. To start over in a new environment or even just getting away for a while maybe just what the Doctor ordered. A creative collaboration will align with those of like mind during this lunar cycle. This is the perfect fit Aries. Taurus You are preparing for some rest and relaxation now. There is no time for guilt. You need this break more than anything, everything else will just have to wait. If your running on an empty tank of gas what good will that do you? Past memories of family maybe weighing heavily on your mind. Then out of the blue an epiphany arrives providing an answer to a long drawn out emotional aspect Taurus. Gemini The ability to forgive arrives in the nick of time. Good news and clarity arrives with family health or emotional aspects at this time. The ability to manifest what you want out of life is evident now and miracles happen everyday. A new source of emotional support arrives unexpectedly now. Prepare for change with home and property. This is a blessing Gemini. Cancer Like clockwork your personal life has taken a major turn for the better. Could it be the efforts that you have put towards this have been recognized? Have you been able to recognize the efforts of another? Validating a loved one speaks volumes about yourself.This is the time to do it. Getting out and about will definitely help matters, not only your social sector but your business aspects as well Cancer. Leo Your wide awake now and have realized that you can no longer participate in the enabling game with another. You understand that this has not helped them at all, it has crippled them terribly. If you continue on this path your going to become very resentful shortly. Delegate your authority and trust that this will be handled effectively. A windfall is arriving shortly. Put this away for a rainy day Leo. Virgo Try not to take your fear or frustrations out on others during this lunar cycle. Be extra careful that you are not being ripped off by another at this time. Talk is cheap but documents need to be clarified or guarded now. You may have spent the last few years trusting the wrong person instead of the right one. Now you will be able see clearly where you need to be Virgo. Libra You may have entangled yourself in a bit of a mess that your not exactly sure how to get out of. Take a good look around you. If you find that your in conflict with more than one individual at this time? This maybe a lesson in navigation with humanity. Stop and listen first, if your thinking about what your going to say next instead of truly listening to the voice of another? Nothing will ever get resolved. If you love something ? Let it go, if it comes back to you? Its meant to be Libra. Scorpio Be very conscious that someone close to you isnt attempting to close you off from loved ones around you. If this is the case? Ask yourself why this might be. Usually, the purpose would be to disassociate you from any voice of reason that may differ from this individuals comfort zone. Watch closely how they navigate with others as well, conflict seems to be contagious with some individuals. There are always clues when you pay attention Scorpio. Sagittarius Pay close attention to your dreams and what they maybe telling you at this time.Your intuition is dead on during this lunar cycle. Seeing is believing, take advantage of this time frame to manifest what you need and desire out of life. A change with residence or work will be on the table shortly. This is an option to be considered not a forced issue, changes in your appearance are highlighted Sag. Capricorn This maybe hard to look at now, however ; its very important to be on guard with a family members health or emotional well being. If you can not handle it directly than make sure that a qualified individual is aware of this situation.Know your limitations and try not to feel overwhelmed with it all. Looking the other way is not going to help anyone especially you Capricorn. Aquarius Opportunity knocks through your work environment this week. Connections youve made during the first part of this year align during this next lunar cycle. Check and see what will be the most effective for your long term goals now and then go for it. Additional training and education maybe involved. Your advancement is based on your efforts now. Expect the best midweek when a loved one offers you a night on the town Aquarius. Pisces Its all well and good to let the Universe guide you on every turn. However ; your not going to get anything accomplished if you dont put your keys in the ignition, your hands on your own steering wheel and drive. Your personal life has been put on hold and its time to take care of you. Youve been the caretaker for so many lately? Your own needs have been misplaced. Take just one day or evening this week and make it about you Pisces.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 15:16:20 +0000

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