This week, Charlie and Barney are doing fish and sweet potato for - TopicsExpress


This week, Charlie and Barney are doing fish and sweet potato for their elimination diet. I havent been able to market so I picked a selection of different fish from the fresh fish section at the grocery: tilapia, snapper, mullet and yellowtail. This should tie us over for the next couple of days. I prepped sweet potato mash over the weekend, so I have about a dozen portions of that ready to go. I added in a little salad of carrots, spinach, coconut oil, honey, sunflower seeds and herbs to the mix just for fun. Dogs dont really need that much veg so a tablespoon of that was enough. I also added natural yogurt to help with their gut health - they cant get enough of the stuff! I thought Charlie would balk at whole fish heads and portions, but he gamely took them on. I chopped Barneys portions much smaller, so he wouldnt have a hard time chewing. All in all it was a pretty successful meal. Now to monitor their skin and paws...
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 11:46:10 +0000

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