This week I am HELLA excited for our #FeaturedFollower this week! - TopicsExpress


This week I am HELLA excited for our #FeaturedFollower this week! I have been following this lovely lady for the past year at least and she honestly has one of my very favorite pages out there. So, without further delay, this weeks featured follower is Katie from Finally Alive After 25!!! My name is Kate, I’m 27 years old and from Chicago. In the 3 and a half years I’ve been on my journey, I’ve lost approximately 130lbs, depending on the week My highest known weight was 317, I say known because I avoided the scale like the plague for so long that it’s quite possible I weighed more than that at one time. My lowest weight was 178, and I’ve fluctuated between that and 195 for the last year and a half. I started because I was tired of being the fat girl with the pretty face. I heard that phrase A LOT, and I was tired of it. I was tired of being sick and tired. I was tired of not being able to walk side by side with my friends because I couldn’t keep up. I was tired of feeling alone, depressed, and not worthy of anything. When I finally saw my BMI was near 50% in January of 2012, that’s when everything truly clicked. The biggest lesson I have learned, is that this is for life. This is not a short term solution. Once I hit my “goal”, I won’t go back to the way I was before. I can never go back, and it’s so easy to do so. 90% of weight loss is what you’re putting in your body, and that you can never “out exercise” a bad diet, no matter what anyone tries to tell you. The best advice I could anyone, is that you MUST be patient, and you MUST be kind to yourself. You’re human, you’re going to mess up. You’re going to fail. Certain things that you try, aren’t going to work for you. You’re not going to drop 100 lbs in a month, hell, maybe not even a year. But you have to realize that the time is going to pass anyway, so you may as well make it worth it. My biggest motivation is honestly, myself. I never want to be where I was before, and I have realized that I have so much to live for. Second to that, my sister. She’s the one that motivated me to go for what I wanted, and to do it no matter what. And third, my family, my friends, my boyfriend, and everyone that follows me on my journey. Thankfully, everyone in my life has been supportive thus far, and has done nothing but be kind to me. I’m so grateful for every single person in my life, including all of my followers. There are so many days that I want to give up but because of them, I keep going. SOCIAL LINKS: facebook/finallyaliveafter25 instagram: @finallyaliveafter25
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 16:00:00 +0000

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