This week I want to talk about fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit - TopicsExpress


This week I want to talk about fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit as a way of life and specifically as a means to effective intercession. God created man with a spirit, a soul, and a body (I Thes. 5:23). At our new birth, the Spirit of God comes to dwell in our spirit. “He that joins himself to the Lord becomes one spirit with the living God again” (I Cor. 6:17) Now He lives in our spirit, but we experience Him in our soul. This is a very, very important principle to grasp. God lives in my spirit, but I am aware or conscious of God in the realm of my soul. When God created man, He made man to walk conscious of his spirit. Until we walk in that consciousness again, neither man nor woman will ever be able to live in a way that God created them to live. We were designed to walk by our spirit. When we do not walk by our spirit, we cannot do what the Word of God calls us to do. We cannot walk in the joy and in the goodness of life in which God created us to walk in if we do not walk by our spirit. Ninety-nine percent of humanity cannot do this because they are not born again. Most of the rest of the one percent do not do it because many do not know how. Some do not know that they are supposed to do this, and some do not take time to cultivate the consciousness of God that flows from their spirit. This week we will look at how we can become conscious of and fellowship with the Spirit of God who dwells in our spirit.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 22:29:24 +0000

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