This week, I was privileged to be a part of something that has - TopicsExpress


This week, I was privileged to be a part of something that has changed my life and my relationship with Christ forever. It has been one of the top ten highlights of my Christian Experience. I was honored to spend a week with some very special people at Special Touch camp. What I learned from the guests has taught me enough to write a book and I was only there one week. I have completely reevaluated what it means to Trust God for your every need, to depend on Him and Trust Him to take care of you and live a stress free life. But Probably, the most important thing I learned, was about love. I was with a group of people that Loved God and Jesus, each other and they reached out to be loved. They gave unconditional love and they knew how to receive it. I witnessed people that didnt get offended over every little thing that happened or compete in jealously. They did compete however in a very fun loving way to see who could do something the best. I saw people in their 40s that I thought were teenagers. I have always heard if someone could live a stress free life, they would not age. It’s true, I am a witness. These men and women are sheltered and they trust God and their Caregivers to meet their every need just as we are supposed to trust God to supply all our needs according to his riches in Glory through Christ Jesus. I watched in awe, as they would gather around the alter, even in motorized wheelchairs and worship God and those who could, danced before the Lord and those who couldnt, danced with all their hearts even in their wheelchairs rocking them back and forth. Those that didnt have motorized wheelchairs asked their caregivers to rock them and push them around the church. Without a second thought the caregivers would push them all over the worship center and they would praise God. Several guests got up and gave testimonies; some couldnt even speak clearly enough to understand but those that give them care would hold a mic for them, then tell those of us with no experience in communication, what was said. By the end of the week I was still slow in understanding but I could carry on a conversation with them. I learned that everything I have been told about special needs people in my life was pretty much wrong and born out of prejudice and ignorance. The body may be deformed but the minds are strong. Their understanding of Jesus is more profound than that of people I have met that lay claim to 20 years of service to Him. Questions were asked in bible study and chapel; their answers shocked me. Their grasp on the reality of Faith was astounding. Then God allowed me a revelation, “It’s Simple, man has made it hard.” This is why Jesus said to come to him with the faith of a little child. They have that faith. There were many times this week tears were rolling down my face like a River. Not because of sadness to be sure, but because I was among people that understood Jesus Christ and loved him unconditionally. They did not get offended at every little thing or person in the church. They did not get jealous if someone could sing better than them or get a touch from God. They rejoiced with them then proclaimed that they were healed. One lady in a wheelchair, her body twisted so badly that her hands looked like they were on backwards, testified that she believed God was going to make her a missionary for Special Touch Ministries. I left that night telling my wife if I ever again complained about my condition again, SLAP ME. I can walk, maybe not far and with difficulty, but I can take care of myself and after hearing her testimony I never again have a right to complain. What people don’t realize is, if your nose itches at 4 AM, you probably reach up in your sleep and scratch your nose and never realize you even did it. If one of my friends gets a nose itch at 4 AM, they can’t scratch and they depend on someone to get up and scratch it for them. Still with as hard of a life as they have, not knowing the simple conveniences you and I take for granted that simple mobility affords us, they are just as happy and they can be and they have such a positive attitude toward life and people. During the talent show, which was on Thursday, I heard a lady that sounds just like Adel, and no, she was not lip sinking. I had her come over and sing for me without the music. After they picked me up off the floor, I was entertained by a young man that did a piece by Rackmaninoff. To be honest, he only struggled with one section and that was because of arthritis. I call him young because you would never know he was in his 60s. They all look so young, I could tell when he was young, he was as good as any seasoned professional I have ever heard. He even had the ability to express it, which separates the amateur from the professional. So many things has shocked me this week, as I said, I could write a book and who knows, after I finish the one I am currently writing, I might just do that. Finally, I want to give Thanks to God. I want to Give Thanks for Charlie and Debra Chivers who answered the calling 32 years ago to minister to special needs people and bring ministry to them on a level they can comprehend. Charlie, I believe they are now the professors because I was the student this week. Charlie and I have had several conversations this week and I will be working with Charlie and Special Touch Ministries on an ongoing basis to promote this ministry and expand it World Wide. I want to thank God for the hundreds of volunteer caregivers, nurses, counselors and ministers that have given so much of themselves to make this happen. We had several from our church go. Some I know and some I do not, Yet! But all of them have a heart of Gold and the guests love them. I thank God that he connected me and allowed me the honor to serve this week at Special Touch Camp. I look forward to serving again next year and I am even planning to go to Wisconsin, God Willing, and teach and train his people there about media. I want to thank God that he led me to a pastor that is not too proud to pick up a spoon and feed someone who can’t feed themselves. I thank God for a Pastor who is not too proud to get on her knees and put a pair of socks on someone who can’t take care of themselves or administer a hug to someone in need of one, but they can’t stand up to give it. I have a very thankful heart for a Pastor who has a Pastor’s heart and recognizes the Gospel is for everyone, not just a few and is willing to give up sleep and minister all night to someone that is in need. My pastor has the ability to minister to those who have special needs and through illustrations she communicated the Love of God so that everyone there could understand it but then gets up on any given Sunday Morning in front of 350 people and teaches the deeper things of the Kingdom so that everyone there has a deeper understanding and closer relationship with Christ Jesus. I am so very, very Thankful that I have a pastor who recognizes it’s all about Jesus and not about her and because of that, I see souls added to the Kingdom Weekly. I thank my God that I have a pastor that is willing to reach out beyond the brick walls of a building and into the highways and byways to break lack, hunger and need and understands that the youth are the church of tomorrow. She is willing to take the time and give herself to mentoring and nurturing the gifts God placed inside of all people, but she trains the youth in the way they should go so when they are old they will not depart from it. My Pastor’s Name is Krista Hampton and I am so Honored that God has placed me in her ministry at the River of Life in Paris, Kentucky.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 19:43:09 +0000

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