This week I’ve been thinking about a spirit encounter Stacy C. - TopicsExpress


This week I’ve been thinking about a spirit encounter Stacy C. and I had at the WSGS picnic a few weeks ago. After explaining the encounter to a friend I realized how different it really was as compared to many of our spirit engagements. Following the picnic we split up into small groups and investigated the large property separating each other as to not contaminate the audio. Early in the night Stacy and I had following spirit encounter. While waiting for one of our team members Stacy (WSGS medium) began tuning into a “sad” energy that which further opened up into a 1900’s time frame with a woman present but not engaging. I began asking the spirit woman question, but Stacy said the spirit woman wasn’t interacting thus she couldn’t answer my questions – it was more like a movie Stacy was describing to me. Then Stacy’s vibrational tuning refined and she stated that the woman’s husband name was Robert and they had a few children including a baby that died of Diphtheria. This woman added that her family homesteaded just at the site’s boundary. I stopped Stacy with an understanding that the woman “can” answer questions now. Yes! I had lots questions to ask her. I began by asking her when she passed (died) did she meet up her baby and had it grown up? She stated they did briefly meet. The baby was a representation of what she expected to see then this soul (not the baby anymore) stated that it was going on another journey but longer this time with other goals. I asked if she accomplished all she intended on her journey since it’s “all wrapped up” or completed as we would see it. “Yes” she stated followed by a “Thank You” for asking. After many other specific questions I asked for her last name and an associated city where her journey ended in which she stated “my name can be found associated with the homestead”. I did acknowledge that I do understand that spirits can forget their name (especially their last name) depending how long they’ve been away from the Earthly dimension or how many journeys they’re on. Could you keep track of all the names your soul has been tagged with each new journey? Now add the concept of simultaneous time and the “name” becomes insignificant to the soul and more important to the loved one left behind. Personally, I’m always honored when the spirits remember their names which usually only the first name is provided to either the medium or through EVP messages or as of lately both. Yes, I did collect some great EVPs from this spirit woman! Understanding multidimensionality and simultaneous time are becoming critical concepts to understand the more I investigate. Spirits can help you understand these concepts, but you need to keep an open mind and try and get out of the bounded framework that scientists have defined for us. Outside of those boundaries there is much to learn! A special thanks to Stacy C. for interacting with this spirit woman and tolerating my endless list of questions! (Dave)
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 02:26:20 +0000

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