This week has been going great and I can’t believe the weekend - TopicsExpress


This week has been going great and I can’t believe the weekend is almost here. Yesterday, we went out for coffee to meet up with Aunt Angie and finally get the chance to meet another very special cancer warrior. Kathy has been through so much, but like Karis, she is currently in remission! Woot! Woot! The two shared stories and compared infusaport sites. It was nice listening to Karis open up so easily to someone about the things she had been through and who completely understood. Emerson even shared her struggles as a sibling going through all this with Karis. Kathy gave Karis one of her favorite hats. It was very cute and Karis loved it. She said, “I look good with braids.” We all really enjoyed our time together and plan to do this again soon. Emerson even asked if she could transfer to Washburn Rural Middle School so she could have Kathy as a teacher! This morning Karis had her hearing rechecked with Helen with the school district since she had the wax removed from her ears on Monday. She still had a little fluid in one ear and is a little congested, which showed little improvement on the test. We will try again in a month. Karis gets pretty relaxed in the sound proof room and almost fell asleep. Then Karis had an afternoon appointment with Hair Club for Kids. They had called this morning because they had to cancel her Saturday appointment, but could get her in today. We decided to take it. Although Karis has said many times she likes being bald and loves her bald head, which we all do, she was pretty excited to get her hair back on. She is so strong and too proud to admit it bothers her if someone stares a little too long or asks her what happened. She enjoys these appointments and gets pampered, just like a princess should. She only had it taped on this time in order for it to be easily removed because her new wigs will be here soon!!! Yay! The salon where the hair was sent, ended up making 2 wigs because of all the hair that was sent in for Karis! Wow! I asked Karis if she wanted to skip her Hair Club appointment, but she said she really wanted a bun for dance class. She is beyond thrilled about the wigs and we can’t thank Sam, Kate, Barb, Lauren, Urban Salon, the Storm softball team, and all of those who donated hair, money or purchased a bow and/or keychain to help raise money for the wig. I hope I didn’t leave anyone out. We are very appreciative and although she loves her hair from Hair Club, it is really going to be nice to have something to take on and off without dealing with tape or glue. Plus, now she gets to have several different hair styles!!! She said she plans on rotating them all. Lol. After her hair was all done, Karis and I headed over to the Sporting KC office. We had spoken with Brandi last week and they are donating an autographed soccer ball toward the golf tournament. We really appreciate it and Karis wanted to make sure we picked it up when Brandi was there so she could see her. Brandi is the sweetest and Karis had fun talking with her and being her sassy, silly self. We visited for a while and Karis kept pointing (in the wrong direction) to Children’s Mercy. It’s kind of sad when the place a child gets excited to see is a hospital. Guess I’m glad she is positive about it versus having negative thoughts and unpleasant memories. Brandi took us to the top floor to give us a little tour and show her where the hospital actually was. She gave us some tickets to a pumpkin patch and a Sporting KC maze. It looks pretty cool and Karis was ready to go this weekend. Brandi also gave Karis a “Dom” doll (Dominic Dwyer) and it has his autograph. It was pretty cute and Karis loves it. She even made sure he was buckled up in a seat belt when we left. Then we headed to the plaza to check out the J C Nichols Memorial Fountain that was dyed gold in honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness. It was beautiful! We got lots of pictures and Karis even put her toes in for a little while. She was starved after her busy afternoon and we decided to eat at The Cheesecake Factory. I think it’s been 15 years since I last ate there and it was just as good as I remember. We felt kind of guilty eating there without the rest of the family. Karis wanted to make sure we took some cheesecake home for her daddy and sisters. She took her hair down from the bun it was in right before we left and kept flipping it all around. She was being silly and singing, I wag my hair back n forth! I wag my hair back n forth! Lol. I have no idea where she heard that. I think she’s pretty happy to have her hair back. Isaiah 58:11 And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 03:47:35 +0000

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