This week in our Home Sweet Home study, we are focusing on the - TopicsExpress


This week in our Home Sweet Home study, we are focusing on the children.Here are a few of God’s guidelines for parenting: 1. Teach your children, read Deuteronomy 6:6-7, Proverbs 1:8, 6:20, 31:1. God’s word is clear in Deuteronomy, whether you home school or your children are in public or private school, you are to teach your children. This is not an optional scripture passage, it is a command from God. Who is to teach? Every believing parent. Who are you to teach? Your children. What are you to teach? God’s Word. How are you to teach? Diligently (earnestly, steadily, hard-working.) When are you to teach? All day long, every day – that means it is your responsibility as the parent to teach by example. Where are you to teach? At home and everywhere. 2. Train your children, Proverbs 22:6, Ephesians 6:4. Although this sounds the same as the first guideline, there is a difference. Teach is to impart knowledge to, inform. Train is to guide in growth, to discipline, to prepare and make ready. After consistently teaching your children, you have to enforce it with loving discipline (train). All children are born as sinners, and if they are allowed to follow their own desires, they will naturally develop sinful habits and practices. Once a sinful pattern is established it becomes deep-seated and ingrained and hard to correct. But the flip side is true as we read in Proverbs, train a child up in the way he should go and when he grows old he will not depart from it. 3. Love your children, read Titus 2:4. As with your spouse, love is the highest blessing in an earthly home and as I said last week, the wife is the natural center. Parents, you should: nurture your love for your children; show them your love; and lavish them with your love. Children are sensitive to your loyal love and it will work wonders in their hearts and lives. 4. Prize your children, read Psalm 127:3, 113:9. Children are a blessing from God! We have all heard other parents complain from one breath to the next about child raising or maybe you have uttered some similar phrases too – like referring to your little blessings as a brat-pack or rug-rats. But, that is all wrong! – Children are a blessing! They are an honor bestowed upon us from God – a gift! Parenthood is a privilege and our children are our crowning glory, 1 Timothy 2:15. How do you feel about your children? Do you show your children that you consider them a gift from God?
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 22:00:00 +0000

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