This week is National Suicide Prevention week, and today the 11th - TopicsExpress


This week is National Suicide Prevention week, and today the 11th of September is R U OK? Day. This day gives people the opportunity to ask their friends, family members, colleagues, partners, or even a stranger on the street if they are okay to start a conversation that could potentially save a life. Suicide is the leading cause of death in people between 15 - 24 years old and globally one person completes suicide every 40 seconds. If you have noticed somebody close to you becoming withdrawn from their usual activities, friends and family, talking of feeling hopeless or depressed, persistently feeling angry or sad, or experiencing mental health issues please dont ignore the signs, have that conversation with them, and be as open as you possibly can! There are not always obvious warning signs though, and sometimes the person you thought to be the happiest can be suffering the most on the inside - so please utilise today to ask the people around you if they are okay! Dont ignore it and think it will go away or that a person is being silly, it could be the difference between a life saved or a life taken. Take the time and ask the question
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 21:51:30 +0000

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