This week is a week for really connecting with your purest, - TopicsExpress


This week is a week for really connecting with your purest, strongest, authentic self and bringing the brilliance of your uniquity to others and the wider world. The messages which accompany all these cards revolve around listening to yourself and using your unique talents to bring positivity into not only your life but the lives of others. The first card is the Seer from the Greenwood Tarot...I know this card has appeared in a few weekly readings, but for those new to the page and unfamiliar with this deck, the Seer is here to tell you that now is the time to unveil your hidden desires and boldly share your vision with the world...go about using your creative strengths to bring joy and teaching into the lives of others. The Seer also tells you that this is the time to walk your apply your esoteric and spiritual insights to your human experiences. Every interaction, every moment is magic in motion if you can focus on unifying your spirit with your physical self. The image of the owl in the picture also says that evenings or nights are a good time to work, so set aside time for your creative pursuits at these times (apt for those with day jobs and/or children)!!! Next the Oak Elf is here to support the Seers message...he wants to tell you that he is joyful because he enjoys his work, and he expresses his joy by singing, which also helps the oak trees. Again the message is do what you love, tune in to your deepest and most intense dreams/passions for your life, and allow your expression of these to bring joy and positivity - to help - others. He acknowledges that not everyone acts in fairness towards others but through trust and an open heart you will find yourself surrounded by those who do, and in turn, your enchanting inner light and love of what you do will help many people. You not only can make the world a better place for yourself, but also for many others. This is not a blessing to ignore!!! This is what you are here to do, so get to it!!! You have been gathering knowledge, wisdom, skills, directions, and the right tools to unify all aspects of your life in order to fulfil your life purpose in the most brilliant way. This is a week to shine your light with no shading! Iris appears to emphasise the previous message about unifying your spirit and physical aspects. She represents harmony and encourages you to write in a journal/diary as she feels that at this time in your life you need to clarify those innermost dreams and to allow your voice to flow onto the page/screen; especially if you have been going through a time of disconnection from your authentic self, and have forgotten your voice or allowed the voice of others to clip the wings of your Inner Owl. In order to be most effective and brilliant in sharing your blessings with the world, you need to ensure that you are in harmony, that your personal equilibrium is restored. You cannot bring balance and harmony to the world if you yourself lack alignment between your spirit and your physical self. Bring the magic of the unseen into the day to day routine of your Earth life. Iris wants to stress the utmost importance in loving and nurturing yourself...if you deny yourself, if you starve yourself of this spiritual manna, you starve your physical self, life, and experiences of the love needed to share with others and the world around us. So this is a week to love and respect yourself - trust in the blessings which arise from connecting to your deepest desires and most vivid vision of an ideal world. Find magic and joy in bringing your creative strengths into your daily life and trust in yourself and those around you. Find peace within your world, so you can bring peace to you do this is as unique as you are. Dont allow yourself to fight other peoples not lose yourself in discord. Stay true to yourself, love yourself, support yourself, trust yourself, because it is through doing this that you will allow others to do the same... The image I am left with is that of a drop of water landing in a body of water and creating a ripple which moves outwards...many people talk of the ripple effect...and this is what I see. We are each but a drop but we each contain everything which exists in that body of water, so by landing in this water as ourselves, a unique drop, we send the ripple outwards to touch the rest of the body of water, which is made up of more unique individual drops like ourselves. We are all water in essence but water takes many shapes, paths, and forms. Celebrate you this week and trust in your uniquity...for this is your gift to the world...YOU. Have a wonderful week, Lovelies
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 22:01:53 +0000

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