This week isn’t a rant, it is more of a personal observation, - TopicsExpress


This week isn’t a rant, it is more of a personal observation, but I think it will probably annoy/vex /upset quite a few of you out there! I know I’m not about to win any plaudits or accolades for my comments on here, however I think a little voice of reason needs to be heard in the midst of all this insanity abounding from recent events. If what I’m about to say offends you then I apologise, but remember this is my personal thoughts and not meant to cause offence & I would like to stress that in no way do I support any form of vile act committed in our country or across the world in the name of any god or for personal gratification. Firstly I must say the murder of a citizen of this country, be them military, civilian, emergency service or just someone about their daily business is an evil act usually carried out by the lowest form of creature, these creatures are not worthy of being among us and should be kept well away from our great diverse society. Unfortunately we don’t have the death sentence, so in my opinion they should be locked up and the key thrown away. They should be allowed no privileges and kept in a room that’s one foot shorter than they are so they can never stand straight again, meaning they have to bow to everyone they see for the rest of their naturals. Feed them on basic sustenance such as porridge, bread & water & nothing else. Make them suffer until they eventually die of very old age. Make them think about what they have done and how their lives could have been different if they have been as civilised as the rest of society, do not give them any privileges at all, including religious, they forfeited privilege when they take another humans life. Of course this won’t happen, they will be offered every comfort they wish, within weeks of starting any sentence handed out to them if they are caught, they will be in a cell with TV, games consoles etc. Their rights will be upheld, they will have all religious trapping they require to carry on worshipping what ever deity they believe they carried out their evil acts for. Why because we are a tolerant, diverse & civilised nation, we don’t believe in an eye for an eye (even though our own religious text says so). We see the good in everyone; we are the people these creatures hate so much, why? Because we are prepared to help oppressed people around the globe, we stand up to terrorism, we send aid and help to their fellow country men & women, we offer them shelter in our country when they are under threat, we give to them without asking for anything in return, we offer our over stretched services free of charge, we look after their every comfort. Why because we are a civilised tolerant and honest, hard working diverse nation that’s why! When a small section of those we have comforted turn on us and cause untold grief to the families of our country men and women, we need to be objective and realise that it is a very small section of this community and in most cases they are not imported or immigrants often they have been born & bred here but unfortunately brain washed by the evil zealots that surround them. What we have to remember is, not all hate and despise us as we are led to believe by certain pseudo political factions. Indeed I would say most of their communities would find these acts as abhorrent as the rest of us. Please take time to think logically about it, how many Muslims are there in Britain? According the national statistics there are around 1.8 million living in the UK equating to around 3% of the population. Are you seriously trying to tell me that all of these people hate each and every one of us? Think back to the 1960s, 70s, 80s, 90 & 00s how many acts of terrorism were carried out on British soil and who by? Immediately you will, I hope think of the IRA and other Irish factions, did we at the time ask for all Irish to be driven out of our country? We witnessed much more blood shed in the name of freedom/religion under this period than we have recently, but did we turn against the Irish people as a whole? The atrocities carried out by these were in some cases much worse than we have witnessed in the last week. Look at the two guys pulled from a car, stripped and beaten to death in front of the world’s media, the Scottish brothers pulled out of a bar and shot through the head in front of each other, Warren point. I could go on and on, the point I’m trying to make is that at no time did we blame the whole Irish nation or attempt to burn down catholic churches, why? Because we are a civilised, tolerant & diverse nation. Suddenly people with different colour skins and non Christian religious beliefs bring terror to our streets and we want to turn on the whole community, is this the way a civilised nation should react? We need to think before acting, this could indeed turn into a war on our streets, is this what we really want, to see our children and their children growing up with as much hate in their hearts as these creatures? The difference with this is that we, the indigenous population now have extremist among us stirring up a national fervour whilst scoring cheap political points. The BNP, EDL & NF and other such organisations are preying on the underbelly of the nation’s jingoistic feelings currently. We as a nation are playing into their hands by writing hate filled messages on social media sites condemning each and every Muslim for this act! Do not think that I in anyway support these creatures, those of you who know me, will well know my personal thoughts on this matter, all I am asking for is for us all to take a deep breath and think about the current situation with a clear logical mind. We have the best civilian and military intelligence forces in the world, give them support, give them time, give them all the funds they need to operate, but please don’t try to take matters into your own hands. The lynch mob mentality thankfully died out in the Wild West, lets leave that mentality firmly in the past and leave our forces to do what they are best at. There will be some of you out there who will be disgusted with what I’ve written, and I respect your opinions, however I certainly wouldn’t let it affect me to the point of seeking you out and causing you physical harm because you don’t happen to agree with me. After all we of this great nation are well known for our civility & open-mindedness in regards to others opinions and beliefs. We as a nation at times like this need to pull together to watch each others backs, not turn on each other like packs of rabid wolves.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 11:06:55 +0000

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