This week may find many of you making healthy and positive changes - TopicsExpress


This week may find many of you making healthy and positive changes in your lives, as the Attachment card, inverted, indicates. You will be able to release an old negative pattern of behaviour, or a toxic relationship, or a desperate attitude. The echo, the ripple effect, that this will have in your present and future being will be immense. Some patterns are so ingrained we may feel we can never let them go, but with small, non-threatening steps everyday you CAN (and it seems WILL) be able to move forward. By focusing on new patterns of behaviour, and supportive relationships, and your sunnier attitude, you will feel uplifted, light, and more carefree. You will find it much harder to return to the old weighty and darker way of existing, in favour of living and savouring every optimistic moment. The Fool from the Greenwood Tarot appears to let you know you are at a junction in your life. With releasing attachment to old, unhelpful states, you can feel the tide turning in your life, and feel the endless possibilities and excitement about what is to come. Make sure you leave behind everything which weighs you down and keeps you feeling sluggish and disconnected from your Inner Spark. This is a time to dream, imagine, and dont hold back. Dream big, imagine impossible brilliance, and entertain ways to go about achieving these dreams. Make goals. Figure out how you CAN create the life of your dreams...because you can! The most admired and inspiring people to have appeared in the public domain are people who never let obstacles, impossibilties or dreary realism get in the way of going after what they want. If man didnt dream of flying we wouldnt have jets now ;-) Apollo represents clarity and therefore joins our reading tonight to add to our other releasing the old, darker aspects of our beingness we are urged remove the dust from our eyes and our lives...when Apollo is near he enables us to connect with our personal truths, He also allows us to be creative, centred, and absolutely clear about what it is we truly want in our lives. This is a time when other peoples opinions regarding you and your life fade into the background as you are better able to follow your own Inner Owl, and move forward with the courage and confidence you should have :-) Apollo strengthens the message of releasing, realigning, and realising dreams through goal-setting, creative work, and embracing your empowerment. Our fourth card is positively leapt from the deck, so his message needs to be relayed :-) He represents healing, and I personally can relate to his message that our deepest wounds point us to our greatest gifts in what we should share with the world. You can impart great wisdom and give help to others by sharing your learning from your most difficult struggles. In releasing those old habits, and letting go of that which weighed us down, we still need to carry the lessons learned in those seeming times of darkness. Those are the pearls formed in the dark of the oyster shell...string them together to make your pearl necklace - the treasure that is your purpose and your most important presence in the world. When you heed the advice of others do you resonate more with someone who has lived through hardships and therefore has a true sense of knowing about the issues, or someone who seems to know little in actuality of what it is they are teaching (or preaching!)??? Yes, exactly, when we can relate to someone on an experiential level we are more likely to consider their advice where our own advice may be lacking or obscured or disconnected. So impart your pearls of wisdom with others, allow your lessons to guide those whose inner divine compass may be temporarily(!) stuck. Guide them back to their due North so they can find their bearings and continue on their life journey with conviction, and a strong sense of connection to their Me map ;-) Now is also the time to allow others to help you if you feel you cannot move forward on your own. Guide, or accept guidance, is the message here...and dont be afraid to share your darker hours...we all have them and have had them. It is the hiding of them which leads us to feel disconnected from ourselves and each other. A very positive week ahead if you will persist in taking steps to lighten your load and restore balance to any areas of your life which have been weighing heavily on your heart. And remember that great treasures are to be found in great adversity. It never seems that way at the time, but at this time you will see the treasures. Have a fabulous week everyone and enjoy the arrival or approach of the new chapter of your life story
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 21:46:33 +0000

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