This week my posts have been about Hope and the last few days have - TopicsExpress


This week my posts have been about Hope and the last few days have been from Billy Grahams message of hope- Well today the sermon was on - you guesses it- Hope and the pastor also used parts of Billy Grahams message of hope. Hope The word hope explodes with confidence to believe in something greater than ourselves, and it is not found in science, medicine, government, or technology. It is a grand gift that does not drain us of life but infuses us with lasting benefits that spring forth from its seemingly veiled treasure Romans 5:5 And this hope will never disappoint us, because God has poured out His love to fill our hearts. He gave us His love through the Holy Sprirt, whom God has given us. 1) Gods hope never gives up on us ( Ephesians 1:16) Gods hope is unlimited Gods hope has maximum impact 2) Gods hope touches our lives (Matthew 8:3) touches the affliction of our lives and heals them Gods hope gives us life now 3) Gods hope does the impossible ( Mark 10:27) Gods hope defies reason ( Matthew 8:23-27)-it goes beyond our understanding - You cannot be in a position where God cannnot help you, but you can be on a position where you will not allow God to help you. Gods hope is amazing !(vs 27) 4) Gods hope is an anchor (Hebrews 6:19) Gods hope is absolute-it never fails you Gods hope is keeping- nothing can separate you from Him 5) Gods IS hope ( John 3:16) Gods hope is everything- He gave His everything so that we could have everything Proverbs 13:12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Hope is a tree of life found in Jesus Christ
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 19:25:41 +0000

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