This week there seems to be a theme in almost every conversation - TopicsExpress


This week there seems to be a theme in almost every conversation and session with clients: the concept of when are you ready to do what you are meant to do in the world, and more importantly, is it OK to start a business, do your work, OWN your knowledge even if you dont have letters after your name. Ive pondered this a lot over the past few years, especially after coming out of the world of finance where the trajectory was clear: BA from a great school, job, MBA, promotion, possible raise, more letters after your name, perhaps a Phd or accreditation in something if you felt called. And I watched my clients at the time- mostly bankers, investment advisers, and VC funds- go through the same path over and over again. I *almost* went there myself... But what happens when we break free of the norm to blaze our own path? Is it ok to start a business without an MBA? Or even a college degree? Can one open a store or start a website if they dont have VC experience? What if what you are creating is something entirely new, and there was NO school for that? Can you still do it? Can you move forward and blaze your own trail despite not having everything the books tell you is necessary to start your own business? I think the answer lies in getting honest with yourself. Is what you want to create something that you KNOW you are meant to do? Are you willing to learn along the way? Is your inner wisdom telling you that despite all odds, this is your path? Are you scared to do it, but know you need to anyway? There will always- ALWAYS- be those who will tell you that you dont have what it takes, dont have all the necessary experience, the funding needed, the letters you need after your name to be a success. And there is ALWAYS the chance that you may fail, even if you have everything the books and experts say you need to be ready. If you are caught up in the I dont have everything I need to be qualified to __________ mindset, I suggest 3 questions to ask yourself: 1. How can I get grounded in what I DO have that makes me ready- and 100% willing to make this happen? What skills, connections, visions, inner knowing are already HERE, now, that I can rely upon to take the first frightening steps? 2. How far am I willing to go- to stretch myself, to learn, to fall and get back up- in order to make this dream a reality? 3. Can I feel the truth in my heart, my body and my soul that this needs to happen? Is there something that is showing up in my body right now that is telling me to hold back or start now? What is it? How can I work with this message to get a clear answer? Once you know the answers to these 3 questions, the proverbial letters after your name will no longer feel like a deficit, and the excuse youve been relying on to do nothing will no longer have power over you
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 00:25:06 +0000

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