This week took a break from work and decided to go to Tim Hortons - TopicsExpress


This week took a break from work and decided to go to Tim Hortons for a coffee.As I got out of my truck I noticed a fellow sitting on the bench in front of the store.Well he wasnt exactly sitting rather was draped over the bench, his legs stretch out almost reaching the curb, his head tilted forward his chin almost touching his chest, both hands holding his coffee between his legs.I went inside got my coffee. As I stepped outside I thought why not have a cigarette and enjoy coolness of the night.The fellow turned his head towards me and looked at me from under his base ball cap.I nodded a quick hello at him and said Nice night huh?. He turned his head back to muttered that it wasnt so nice. All I asked was Why and his whole story came out.He told me about the recent loss of his wife to cancer and how he had been there through he whole thing,he cried as he told me how he prayed that God would let him take her place,he sobbed as he explained that she was a good person and if anyone deserved to suffer it was him.He cussed all the gods that existed for what they took from him.She was his he sobbed,they could have made it at least a quick death, I watched her die a little each day and he explained how he died a little each day as he watched his wife fade into nothing.By this time I had sat down on the bench with this fellow my elbows resting on my knees head bent down my tears trailing down my face through my mustache and down to the concrete.The tempo of his story changed as he started to tell me about his wife.through his tears he laughed once or twice as he lost himself in her memories. I found myself thinking about the people I have loss and pretty much knew how he felt.The sadness of loss ,the laugh of remembering and the anger of taking it all away.The fellow was the first to leave and as I sat there watching him walk away I thought about how someone had shared a tear with me at a bad time So guess what Im saying is share a tear and lend and ear , it helps Peace and respect to all who read
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 14:28:08 +0000

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