This weekend I had the pleasure of briefly sitting in on a - TopicsExpress


This weekend I had the pleasure of briefly sitting in on a breakfast discussion with Political leaders, Union leaders and general laborers.At the conclusion of the meeting the Head of the Union got up and talked about how they were getting together to stand against big business leaders and how they were going to match for the people to create job opportunities for the community. I thought to myself why is it that we dont stand for a cause anymore? Nobody makes any moves in life until after things have already gotten in to deep to the point of no return.We dont ever see a problem and see what we can do to change things. Fact is no one wants to support things unless it is their own personal cause.Black owned businesses, small business owners and entrepreneurs need to start working to support each other instead of working extra hard against each other. And we as people need to start supporting the business in our communities and stop asking for deals with each other but not questioning the price at anyone elses business. Black people dont entertain anything that is going to be beneficial to better all of us as a whole unless its overly publicized! We need to do better because ultimately our future and our kids future are riding on us not being ignorant to what is going on around us.And stop entertaining ignorance but ignoring positive and beneficial growth within our streets, homes, businesses, and life.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 20:49:58 +0000

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