This weekend, I was trying to decide on a subject matter to post - TopicsExpress


This weekend, I was trying to decide on a subject matter to post on Facebook today. I called Ginger at home and she quickly stated adversity, and I balked. My feelings were that I should keep it light and uplifting -- possibly speaking on being thankful or a simple act of kindness. I began reading Psalms and before I knew it, I had almost completed the entire book of Psalms. Later that evening, I called Ginger back and told her to read Psalm 71, especially verses 10-18 -- it speaks of adversity and how prayer can help one to overcome the effects of it. As I pondered over a simple act of kindness, the word act kept popping off the page at me. So, I turned my attention to the book of Acts, and I was mesmerized for hours. It tells us of the beginning of the dispensation of the Holy Spirit. We can see how the Apostles were filled with power so they could do what the Lord commanded them -- namely, preach the Gospel successfully to all nations. While reading of the beginning of missionary work, you find Paul and Barnabas being commissioned to spread the word of the Holy Spirit. Their travels take them throughout the Holy Land and eventually, they decide to separate and go back to their past destinations and see how the new believers were doing. During their separation, Paul is imprisoned more than once in different lands, but because of his strong faith and determination, he continued on, telling the Good News to all. We can all take strength in these teachings from Paul and Barnabas, and hopefully continue their work in and through our own lives and the people we come in contact with daily. I know that I came back to work with a renewed sense of faith and reverence for the work being accomplished here at Wesley House -- come see us sometimes and let us show you what good things can be done if we just believe and let God take over. Even the bad things in life can be altered -- it just takes true faith and belief that He has control of it all. Wayne McInnis, Christian Relief Agency
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 19:00:28 +0000

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