This weekend was practically perfect in every way ☺️ I was - TopicsExpress


This weekend was practically perfect in every way ☺️ I was experiencing it all so vibrantly, I seldom had a moment to update Facebook about it, which honestly was a fantastic feeling. Friday, I decided to attended Disney side at Disney World. It was a 24 hour event where you could come to the park dressed as a disney character :). I had asked multiple people if they wanted to come with me, but everyone had alternative plans so I took the nudge from the universe and decided to go by myself. I never had gone to a theme park by myself before, so I was a little unsure of what to expect. What I discovered in this experience was so beautiful. Its somewhat difficult to describe, but Ill try. When you go to theme parks with company/family, you tend to put your attention with that select group of people or person. The dynamic is closed in relation to an independent adventure. By attending by myself, I remained open to interactions with everyone. It almost felt like I went to the park with a huge family, an extended family of a few thousand ;). I was able to engage in genuine conversation, and since I was without an agenda, I was able to be fully present in engaging with others and learning about them, their loved ones, and their passions. I made new friends, like the earth angel who gave me the reservation for 1 at the Be Our Guest restaurant, and befriended lots if children. I met a little girl named Charlotte (3 years old) that was dressed as belle and was certain that I was the real tinkerbell. She asked me to take a picture with her and Beast. She was precious. At dinner, I sat next to a family who began including me in their dinner conversation. I love learning about people, who they are and where they come from. The little girl, about 4-5, asked me why tinkerbell eats salmon (I was eating salmon) and then continued to ask at least 20 more questions in which I was happy to entertain, including how small are baby fairies when theyre born?. Her grand patents said she hadnt said that much to anybody the whole trip and it had been 5 days, lol. When I was in line for an hour waiting for the seven dwarfs mine coaster, I was behind a family (mom, dad, and three little girls). It really didnt feel like I was waiting at all because I was engaging with everyone in line and having some really delightful conversations. Right before it was time to get on the ride, one of the little girls in front of me started to get nervous and wasnt sure she wanted to ride it. Her mother asked if Id sit with her because her daughter would feel safe if she rode with tinkerbell. This experience melted my heart because the whole time we were on the ride, despite me being very upfront that I was Samantha and not the real tinker bell, the little girl was confident that I was the real tinker bell. When we went up the hill on the coaster she squeezed my hand and nervously asked if there was going to be a big drop. I assured her that it was going to be small, and that she was safe. I also told her that whenever I get scared I just laugh and laugh and then I feel better. She agreed that helped. At the end she thanked me and we took a selfie to show we survived the ride and had a good time ☺️ The rest of my evening at the park continued to be full of beautiful connections. The universe had a beautiful way of surprising me with joy in every moment. There was not a single moment that I felt that I was talking to a stranger. It felt like I was connecting with old friends or remembering my soul family. Like I said, its really hard to explain. I just knew that I was surrounded with love at every step. Later that night, I went on a date. I hadnt been on one in quite awhile and arrived without any expectation. It ended being 2 full hours of the most positive conversation about metaphysics, positive mental attitude, and other deeply profound topics. Once again, the universe reminded me of the power of presence and authentic communication that develops from not having an agenda. Continuing on my independent travels, I drove to Miami by myself for the Pinned Miami convention. I spent two days at a booth signing prints and selling magazines, but oddly enough, I spent more time speaking about consciousness, law of attraction, and positive living. About 70 percent of the people that arrived at my booth shared in very deep and uplifting conversations. EVERYone was so kind and loving. I loved being able to, not only, share my passion for pinup, but share my authentic self people I have just met. During the Miss Pinned contest, I was so proud of how supportive all of the women were to each other. One woman asked if I was competing in the contest, I said, I dont compete, I participate :). Ever since I dismissed a competitive attitude, so much more peace has developed in my life. I always have faith that the universe delivers exactly the experience i need that serves my highest good. When I didnt win first place, I still felt like a winner because I felt a very special kind of bliss. Later that night, I was talking to the woman who won and she was saying how her car broke down the week before and she really needed the money. She continued to say that she never does contests but the need for money made her be brave. She was such a beautiful and humble person and I was so happy to be a part of the experience. I also witnessed a wedding which made my heart happy. Watching a union of love is very special to me. The wedding was unique because it was retro. The bride was explaining the wedding to me and how her and her husband were weird people so they were have a weird wedding, which made me positively reflect on how life is about just finding that special kind of weird that goes with our own. My heart was in complete celebration that these two people found their beautifully weird match.❤️ Right before I was going to bed, I ended up deep in discussion with some attendees of the convention. I often like to ask people about their dream and what their passions are. I do this because people so often get distracted from their dreams by things they feel obligated to do, but by discussing dreams, it brings their passions back into their awareness. One young man was so inspiring. He was explaining how he was living his dream. After listening to him tell his story I began to recognize what a small world it is. We are all cut from the same cloth, and often we find pieces of of thread that lead is back to ourSelf. That conversation was one of those times. My heart is so full and happy. I feel that Im am saturated with gratitude. 💖 A huge thank you to Morgan La Rue and Gracie Lynn for reminding me of the importance of sisterhood. Another big thank you goes to Sveinn Kjartansson for making Pinned Miami so much fun and incessantly amusing. Another big thank you to the Shimmy & Shake Revue for sharing their amazing talents and beauty, and thank you too all of my new fan friends that reminded me of why I love my art as much as I do ❤️
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 01:11:33 +0000

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