This weekly reading may be a little shorter tonight. However, I - TopicsExpress


This weekly reading may be a little shorter tonight. However, I feel strongly that I am to draw more cards this coming week, for the New Year :-) These cards carry messages very strong with me right now and with many people in my own circle of friends and family and I know the messages will resonate with many of you, too! The first card, Healing, indicates that now in this period of time between Christmas and New Years a tme of rest and rejuvenation is needed. In the case of my family and some friends, winter bugs have been doing the rounds and people just need to rest and be peaceful to allow their bodies to heal. This is not always easy in the period of time leading up to Christmas and during Christmas when many people are catching up with family and tying up loose ends from the previous 12 months. But it is crucial that you make time to rest and just be. Allow your body and mind the time to heal from any illnesses you may be carrying within your physical body, as well as allow yourself time to get stronger after any emotional trauma. Not to say you must try and hurry the process of healing or leave anything behind if it is staying with you for any reason, but take it easy! And go easy on yourself too. You cannot hurry healing, so just allow things to run their natural course and remind yourself that you are doing the best you can do, and that time out is sometimes the most productive activity you can undertake. It is in this peace and rest you can read the map of your short term future better. The next card is the Fairy of the Woodland Realm and she is here to reinforce the prior message and card by acknowledging that you work hard but often forget yourself. If you are to share your light with the world, if you are to be the best you can be, you must dispense with self-sacrifice as a way of life. Try to learn when self-sacrifice is sensible or necessary, and when it is merely habit and self-sabotage. It is true that when we do kind deeds for others and when we are ion the flow of giving and generosity we feel great joy, and this is undeniable and always welcome, however if you give so much of yourself that you leave yourself no energy or joy you WILL end up resenting the energy and time you spend doing things which usually make you feel good. Just dont forget yourself. When you feel you need time out - to heal, for example, and to rest after an illness of emotionally draining experience - take the time out!!! Do not tell yourself you should be doing this, or shouldnt be doing that. Just be. Rest. Be kind to yourself and let the rest fall away. Know that we, like the moon, have phases and cycles, and periods of hibernation and self-development give way, in time, to periods of outgoingness, altruism and focusing on others. Try not to get caught up in the rights or wrongs of where you are at, at this point in time, and just allow things to go along without pushing for any result or outcome. Definitely use this downtime to make plans for the coming year 2015, write your lists, your goals, resolutions, if that is what you like to do at this time of year, but know that it is through growth that you can move forward in your life. If you are ill or emotionally weakened then you need to give yourself time and be gentle with yourself. Only when you have grown and become stronger can you move forward and fulfill your goals and share your light optimally with those around you and the wider world. The last card for this weekly reading (but not the last for 2014 ;-) ) is The Ice Age from the Atlantis deck. This card indicate new beginnings. Again the idea of resting and also purifying and detoxing comes with this card. The Ice Age meant Earth could do this and therefore grow. Atnlantic legend has it that during this Ice Age the Golden Age was planned...the most glorious time the planet has seen so far. So, again we have a message regarding time out for planning, no doing. Doing nothing does not mean nothing is happening. If you are growing and connecting with yourself in this time of one year winding down and another calendar year drawing near, then know that the more you explore your life and your self and your place in the world the more able you will be to move forward in 2015 with clarity and vision. Now is the time to revisit ideas about your life purpose if you dont already know what it is, or are not already incorporating it into your life, either as your paid employment or as your hobby/passion/volunteer work. I know these messages resonate very strongly with me this week and a few friends not with us on this page. I feel that these messages are winging their way to some of you, and I do hope you will heed the advice and allow yourself time to heal and rest and merely prepare for the year ahead. Have a wonderful end of 2014 everyone, and stay safe and sensible on New Years Eve. Lets all wake up on January 1st feeling bright, energetic, and with the strength to move into 2015 with passion, purpose, and renewed vision and vivacity. Much love to every one of you
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 21:15:50 +0000

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