This weeks Energy East update includes recognition by four - TopicsExpress


This weeks Energy East update includes recognition by four Premiers that pipelines need assessing for its climate change impact and a lot of anti-pipeline fervour going on! Finally, Premiers talk climate change While the National Energy Board says its not interested in climate change or environmental impacts as a primary focus of its review of the Energy East oil pipeline, four Premiers are signaling that they will examine climate change in their assessments of the pipeline. The Conservation Council says a thorough impact assessment would most likely propose a tight cap on growing emissions from Canada’s tar sands, phasing out coal emissions (already complete in Ontario), national and provincial investments in energy efficiency, and a national renewable energy program. Terry Seguin of CBC Info Morning Fredericton talked to Peter Watson, Chair and CEO of the National Energy Board. Tell the National Energy Board to include climate change in its review of TransCanadas pipeline proposal! Takes 30 seconds. Doubling down Two years ago student leader Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois became the face of Quebec’s Maple Spring. His book, Tenir tête, about the student struggles, won the Governor General’s 2014 French-language non-fiction prize last week. On Sunday, Nov. 23, Nadeau-Dubois announced that he was giving his $25,000 prize to a citizen coalition dedicated to blocking TransCanada’s Energy East pipeline. He challenged others to double down and block the pipeline. Over $330,000 has been raised so far! Lets double down and block the pipelines. Make a donation. Doublons la mise et bloquons les oléoducs : Plus de 300 000 $ en dons pour contrer TransCanada. Faire un don. Maliseet Ground Council on the pipeline A member of the Maliseet Grand Council says the Premier does not speak for his First Nations people when it comes to the Energy East Pipeline. Terry Seguin talks to Ron Tremblay. Les Québécois rejettent Énergie Est en masse Un ex-ingénieur de TransCanada se dit inquiet du projet Énergie Est. Un ingénieur congédié par TransCanada après avoir soulevé de graves lacunes dans la sécurité des oléoducs craint que lentreprise nait pas appris sa leçon. «On ne peut pas leur faire confiance quand des problèmes sur la qualité menacent de ralentir les travaux ou de faire grimper les coûts», dit Evan Vokes. Les Québécois rejettent Énergie Est en masse. Avant même les révélations de cette semaine sur le plan stratégique de TransCanada visant le Québec, les citoyens de la province étaient majoritairement opposés au mégaprojet de pipeline Énergie Est. Is the spin not working? A week after TransCanadas public relations spin was revealed, Edelman, the corporations PR firm, has announced the end of their collaboration on Energy East. In other oil pipeline news Blocking Kinder Morgan on Burnaby Mountain Watch the fiery speeches of those trying to stop the Kinder Morgan pipeline work on Burnaby Mountain in British Columbia; Brigitte Depape, David Suzukis grandson Tamo Campos, David Suzuki, Professor Lynn Quarmby, and 74 year old grandmother Della Glendenning. Two 11-year-old girls crossed a police line on the mountain on Sunday, Nov. 23, joining about 50 others who have violated a court order in an attempt to stop work at the Kinder Morgan site. David Suzuki’s daughter and granddaughter were also arrested as well as women from the Klabona Keepers of the Tahltan Nation. The women were among three mother-daughter groups detained by police on Burnaby Mountain on the weekend. U.S. Senate rejects Keystone XL The U.S. Senate rejected a bill to speed approval of the Keystone XL pipeline, proposed to run from Canada to the Texas Gulf Coast. Stay tuned for more updates including action ideas! Share this energy east update. Tracy Conservation Council of New Brunswick / Conseil de conservation du Nouveau-Brunswick 180 Saint John St., Fredericton, NB E3B 4A9k
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 20:39:02 +0000

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