This weeks blast from the past goes out to Senator Brad Ashford - TopicsExpress


This weeks blast from the past goes out to Senator Brad Ashford and Saunders County District Court Judge Mary Gilbride............. Which one of you two could actually look into this little girls crying eyes and tell her that she can only see her mommy or her daddy 4 days a month because the child support money that gets paid so Nebraska can get its $25 million dollar federal incentive check for child support collection ( in simpler terms) welfare check from the federal government is more important to us and people like Bill McKenzie then you getting equal love and time with both of your fit parents. Oh then maybe one of you then can explain to her that when she gets older and gets into trouble and might see a jail cell when she gets older due to coming from a 1 parent household and never had a fair chance at life because of it she will be able to take advantage of Senator Brad Ashfords. ( aka Spongebrad as quoted by a certain newspaper in Omaha ) piece of garbage JJC Bill thats now law. At least those were the reasons you gave when promoting that waste of a document that you called a bill. I still cant believe a tree had to die for that . Poor tree.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 07:01:52 +0000

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