This weeks report from Reel Deal I had a late call from my regular - TopicsExpress


This weeks report from Reel Deal I had a late call from my regular crew Richard Dean and Niall Fisher the convo was Dan fancy a night trip so I looked at the weather and said hell yeah so plans were made we meat at the marina at 22.30 set up and off we went heading to the foreland.leaving watchet it was flat calm and no wind by the time we reached the back of minehead there was a strong south south west wind blowing we carried on arrived at scillery anchored up and my days the wind was howling the boat would not settle and we was swinging every where we managed dogs normally 2 or 3 on one hook and a Huss after an hour I had enough and said to the boys we will have a move. So we went back round the foreland and anchored just under the cliffs were we sat nicely had some codlin pollock pout whiting the light came up and we had a play drifting on the ledge where all we had was an octopus then we headed back up to the dirty water where we had conger and thornbacks.really hard fishing the boys stuck at it and we still had a good crack. Saturday saw some really nasty weather rain in the morning with a strong northwesterly wind building so sadly I canceled both trips as we want to be able to enjoy our trips but there was a twist Mark Matt Ricky Derrick and Rich wanted to go fishing so we tried got as far as the lighthouse hit 3 huge waves Ricky laying on the floor cups everywhere and the guys laughing there heads off me not so keen turned back for the marina to fish another day great to have met them and we had a laugh. Sunday however saw the wind come from the south and off we went with Bens crew steve george the bass and david we headed for the back of minehead for our first stop we boated a few doggies that was that off we went to the bay of plenty had some great sport instantly with the hounds whiting pout poor cod codlin gurnard baby tope as the tide went we made a move a little further down and it was much the same but it was on and off crazy at times and slow at others we headed back up the channel as the tide started to flood to see what else we could find. We decided to have a go on the back of minehead In close and managed to boat small eyed and spotted ray bass but it soon went quite so off up to the mud for the last couple of hours we had thornback rays and baby tope a good day with lots of laughs and great company thanks to Niall Fisher for all your help and a big thanks to all the guys for booking Hope to see u all soon tight lines Dan Reel Deal charters
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 18:36:36 +0000

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