This weeks sign is about the Ferguson protests and the - TopicsExpress


This weeks sign is about the Ferguson protests and the Progressives view of justice: Obama Sanctions Lawlessness. Only 24 Looting Days til Xmas. In Ferguson justice was done and Officer Wilson was not indicted. The outrage was built on fabricated witnesses and in some cases people who werent even witnesses. Facts reigned supreme. The most consistent witnesses validated Officer Wilsons version of the events and aligned with the forensic evidence. Michael Brown was fully responsible. The lesson that should of been learned was: dont rob a store, dont try to take a policemans gun and when the police yells stop with a gun drawn, you had better stop. However many still want justice. How can that be? Now its not about the Brown/ Wilson case but about police brutality, race inequality and social justice. On police brutality and race, Rudi Giuliani took this head on when on Meet the Press last week, he said I find it very disappointing that youre not discussing the fact that 93% of blacks in America are killed by other blacks. Were talking about the exception here. Giuliani also asked the fellow panelist Michael Dyson, a sociologist professor from Georgetown, about why they arent protesting black on black murders. Why dont you cut it down so that so many white police officers dont have to be in black areas? The white police officers wouldnt be there if you werent killing each other 70-75% of the time. Dyson called him a white supremacist. According to FBI data, homicide is the leading cause of death among young black men. They are 10 times more likely to be murdered than white young men. Blacks are 13% of the population and commit a majority of all murders in the USA. 90% of black murder victims are killed by other blacks not by white police officers. Blacks commit violent crimes at 7 to 10 times the rates that whites do. These truths are uncomfortable for progressives and are denied; instead they tout white racism as the all purpose explanation for bad black outcomes. Progressives are attempting to turn examples like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown into a broader nation wide protest of police profiling and racism. They were preparing for the Brown decision of both guilty or innocent verdicts well in advance. They are trying to find a reason for the protests to carry on across America and build a movement similar to Occupy Wall Street. An example reported locally, was that the human resource manager for the Minneapolis Public Schools (DeRay McKesson) traveled to Ferguson this summer to help organize a nationwide protest. The protests are taking a number of forms such as protests on police brutality and race, the No Peace, No profit protests trying to disrupt shopping malls on Black Friday. (Two closed down in St Louis) and protests on living wage and minimum wage (300 took place at Wal-Marts on Black Friday). Links are being made between race, police violence and economics. It is argued that poor blacks are stuck in high crime areas and need police protection which is predominately white. Affluent people in these neighborhoods can just move out. Whats needed is more social justice and more redistribution of wealth. This is the cornerstone of Obamas and the Progressives agenda. Social justice and the need for redistribution of wealth has been brewing since FDRs New Deal in the 1930s. John Rawls of Harvard gave it academic credibility with his book A Theory of Justice published in 1971. President Obama made it explicit with his comments about You didnt build that, we need to spread the wealth around, tax the rich, the vilification of the 1% and that Healthcare and living wages are a right. The conclusion is that wealth belongs to society not to individuals and that it is the role of government to do the common good and to spread the wealth around and pass out entitlement goodies. The transition being made by many is that if redistribution of wealth is moral; why wait for government? Just cut out the government and go and get it yourself. The conclusion is that if redistribution of wealth is moral, then looting must be moral also. The rioters knew they were breaking the law but they felt it was justified. On Monday night after the not guilty verdict Obama gave a speech which the networks carried in split screen with Obama on one side and the Ferguson riot in progress on the other. This was like a Saturday Night Live comedy skit. He said We are a nation built on the rule of law as the protesters rocked a police cruiser to tip it over. And the police they need to work with the community, not against the community as tear gas canisters skittered down the street. Justice wont be done by throwing bottles just as someone gets hit with a bottle. Obama is trying to walk a fine line here. He justifies that the anger its rooted in reality but he condemns the violence as non-productive. He is saying that the looters are morally justified but that it is the role of government, not mobs, to address these wrongs. Implied is that we should prefer the tyranny of a King to the tyranny of a mob. And now thanks to 6 years of the Obama progressive agenda we have both kinds of tyranny and two types of lawlessness. The slippery slope that lead to totalitarian states is that when the tyranny of mobs becomes so great that people demand law enforcement and are more accepting of the tyranny of Kings and governments. We then have the rule of law where the laws are defined by the King/government and the rule of law is trumped by the rule of men. Republicans will have a difficult time over the next 2 years fighting the power of Presidential executive orders and the culture of 75+ years of welfare/entitlement state; both of which they helped create and sanction. My countdown clock says only 781 days until Obamas last day. Have a great week. Craig the Sign Guy. P.S. Feel free to forward or post.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 13:01:03 +0000

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