This weeks tribute is a bit late and was one of the most - TopicsExpress


This weeks tribute is a bit late and was one of the most challenging for me to write. Though this friend hasnt written any novels yet, hes among the most prolific writers I know. Hes also been known to glance at my emails and pull out a grammatical mistake or three, so Im really hoping I dont mess this one up. Alan Kasameyer is one of the smartest, most talented dudes I know. Its tough to even begin describing this guy because he makes this world better in a multitude of ways. Alan and I know each other from many years of working together. Ill keep the work talk brief and just say that Alan is the guy that you want in your corner when theres hard work to be done. He keeps his cool, knows his stuff, and doesnt hesitate to roll up his sleeves and get down to it. Hes set an example for me from day one, and I continue to learn from him daily. Alan basically did my job in addition to his for weeks on end when my mother got sick and eventually passed in 2012. There was never any hesitation from him. He essentially ordered me to go and be with my mom, and there was not another word about it. Needless to say, that meant the world to me. I never had the pleasure of meeting Alans father, Paul Kasameyer, but I hear he was an amazing musician and person. He played keyboards, percussion, and even the typewriter (yes, a custom percussive typewriter) in a local symphony. Paul passed away suddenly last week, and my heart goes out to Alan, his family, and everyone else who knew him. Fortunately, Pauls musical love and ability were passed on to his son. Alan is a monster of a bass player, and has some serious dance moves that manifest every time hes rocking out on stage. Hes a bit of a bay area punk legend, playing in bands like Your Mother, Giant Haystacks, and Airfix Kits over the years. Michael and I even managed to convince him to lend a lightning fast bass hand on a few tracks for our upcoming record. AK, as we call him, is a master of problem solving, critical thinking, and plain old common sense. Over the past several years, Ive leaned on him daily for his wisdom. Ive run almost every decision I make by him, and hes always had simple answers for me that make way too much sense. I could go on and on about his many genius tactics, from a Craigslist Bugaboo stroller-flipping empire to being the best darn googler on the planet. I cant help but think his unique intellectual skill set was passed down from Paul as well, and that Alan will pass it on to his 2 kids. Alan is the kind of dad that any kid would be lucky to have, and we need more folks like him in this world. Alan and his amazing wife Kate are embarking on some exciting adventures this year. I wish them lots of love and good luck. Much love to the rest of you wonderful folks as well. If you feel moved, play a tune or raise a glass in memory of Alans dad.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 21:15:37 +0000

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