This week’s khutbah 07/02/2014 was, ‘Be sincere if you want - TopicsExpress


This week’s khutbah 07/02/2014 was, ‘Be sincere if you want success.’ Sincerity in Islam is the purifying of ones intentions so that all actions are done in order to draw closer to Allaah. It is also to single out Allaah alone with acts of obedience. Sincerity is to forget about the creation by constantly looking towards the Creator. Sincerity is a condition for Allaah to accept our good actions that are done in accordance with the Sunnah (way) of the Prophet (s). Allaah - ordered us saying: And they have not been commanded except to worship Allaah alone, having sincerity in their Religion and not setting-up partners with Allaah in the worship of Him. [Soorah al-Bayyinah 38:5]. Yaqoob(r)said: A sincere person is someone who conceals his good actions, the same way he conceals his bad ones. Zayd ibn Thaabit (r) narrated: The Prophet (s)said: May Allaah brighten whosoever hears my words, memorises them and then conveys them to others. Many a carrier of knowledge does not understand it, and many a carrier of knowledge conveys it to one who has better understanding. There are three things which the heart of a Believer has no malice about: Sincerity for Allaah in ones action; sincere advice to the Muslim leaders; and clinging to the Jamaaah.sahih. One of the righteous people of the past said: O my soul! Have sincerity and then you will be purified. No Muslim can be free from Shaitan except by having sincerity, as Allaah - the Most merciful-said in the Quran: He (satan) said: I swear by Your Might, that I will seduce all of them Except those among them who are Your sincere worshipers.Surah Saad. Al-Fudayl ibn Iyyaad (r) said: Leaving an action for the sake of people, is to seek their admiration. To do an action for the sake of people is to commit Shirk (associate others in the worship of Allaah). Sincerity is when Allaah saves you from both of these things. Oh Allah please make us sincere and leave the scheming, spying and plotting to fools. Ameen. Those that know sisters with days to still make up from Ramadan 2013 should encourage them to do so during these fast disappearing short days. meccanperiod/
Posted on: Sat, 08 Feb 2014 20:29:21 +0000

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