This whole IRS Scandal should have been over and done with a year - TopicsExpress


This whole IRS Scandal should have been over and done with a year ago. Darrel Issa has succeeded in getting his scapegoat, Lois Lerner, unanimously declared in contempt of the GOP part of congress... It is widely known that every premise originally cited for this investigation has been found baseless. From it being directed from the Whitehouse, to it singling out conservative groups... The only thing found to actually have been Politically Motivated is this investigation. Yet, Monday night, and Tuesday night Darrell Issa called late committee sessions to make one more attempt at inventing a conspiracy around a crashed hard drive and the resultant missing emails.... Clutching at straws..... Inquisitor General Issa and his cohorts berated and abused their witnesses including IRS chief John Koskinen for hours... bravely ignoring the mountain of evidence that has so far failed to give an iota of proof of any Whitehouse involvement... Let alone a cover-up. Witnesses being abused over a hard drive that crashed in Lerners Washington office well before the first allegations that a manager (now known to be a Republican) and his assistant (also known to be a Republican) IN CINCINNATI decided to give possibly political organizations a closer look for their 503c(4) applications using keyword screening now known to have been applied in a nonpartisan manner. Witnesses abused despite extraordinary agency efforts at back-tracing those lost emails that will allow them to turn in an additional 67,000 of them recovered by combing every staff computer and email archive in the IRS, Whitehouse and executive office... all to prove what was already known a year ago... There is no scandal. Except in the addled brain of the Grand Inquisitor of ODS, and the faith of his following of ODS zealots... The abuse is even more remarkable when you consider that the original intention of the agents in Cincinnati was to try and enforce a law that was now being flouted at an unprecedented rate due to a terrible SCOTUS decision making it possible to pour unlimited amounts of secret money into political campaigns.... Flouted by political organizations trying to avoid paying taxes, and millionaires who wanted a way to write off political contributions... articles.chicagotribune/2013-06-09/news/sns-rt-us-usa-irs-scrutinybre9580a8-20130609_1_treasury-inspector-general-irs-officials-u-s-internal-revenue-service nytimes/2013/06/25/us/politics/documents-show-liberals-in-irs-dragnet.html?_r=1& washingtonpost/blogs/fact-checker/wp/2014/06/24/the-letter-that-supposedly-led-to-the-crash-of-lois-lerners-hard-drive/
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 04:42:59 +0000

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