This whole NBA racism issue has reinforced a number of things to - TopicsExpress


This whole NBA racism issue has reinforced a number of things to me. 1. Greed will make you do stupid things like working for someone that only views you as a beast of burden. To folks like whats his name the players are nothing but attractions in Candyland. But I am sorry I do not care how much I am getting paid at some point you have to take a stand on principle. 2. The second thing is to continue traveling down my path of financial independence. I do not want to work for anyone but myself. I am already the co-owner of a company and I have plans for more in the near future (Lord willing). This whole thing reminds me of the many jobs I had in life where all they saw was a load-bearing buck. I would apply for the job they would come up with all the excuses in the world not to give it to me but Hey we have a job in freight or the warehouse or digging that ditch over there. Anything involving manual labor. Yet I had a high GPA in high school, later a bachelor of science degree which I earned in 2 years instead of 4 and later 2 Masters degrees. But all of that didnt matter, I was 6 ft something, 200 and something pounds of dark-skinned Negro. Yet right after that on all those occasions they would hire someone that didnt look like me with far less education for the supervisory roles. And boy did they work the hell out of me, sometimes I had 60+ hour weeks for very little pay. But no more! I see folks like Church Folk and Phillip Lee and how they fought and acquired their independence and that is my dream as well. If no one else will recognize my gifts and abilities I have to do it my damn self!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 01:46:36 +0000

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