This will appear in the Sunday Herald News in the last round of - TopicsExpress


This will appear in the Sunday Herald News in the last round of thier questioning. Plese read and share this with your freinds. Vote for the City of Fall River, vote for Stephen R. Long for City Council November 5, 2013 because It Matters. City Council Q&A Q: The Relationship with the City Council and Mayor’s office has been fractured at times during the past two years, what do you believe needs to be done to create a better atmosphere between the two groups? Building credible relationships based on trust and respect creates an atmosphere where ideas and conflicts can be discussed and resolved. Effective communication builds relationships. My experience in sales, owning a business, working as Executive Director of CDA and my tenure on the Board of Assessors gives me a distinct perspective. As a homeowner, taxpayer, grandfather, father and husband I have developed unique listening skills. Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you would have preferred to talk. The Mayor, the elected leader of our City deserves the respect of the Council. The Council as an elected body deserves the respect of the Mayor. When the council fractures along political agendas, the Council loses its significance. The Council should collectively look at the agenda of the administration and discuss how they can support the Mayor’s vision and in turn advise the administration on ideas and revisions to the Mayor’s agenda. I would hope collectively we have the City’s best interest at heart and not our own political futures. There is a reason it’s called the art of compromise, and not the science of compromise. It requires an open mind, a clear vision and the conviction to create a win-win. The City Council and Mayor must be cognoscente of their duty to represent the City in the most positive light. We will not always agree but we can certainly respectfully debate issues. How the Council addresses issues will reveal its character and the character of our City. ---------- Standing on principle and the lost art of compromise is undermining progress in both our business and political circles. When these two forces meet, it often results in a collision course that can be destructive for all parties. Leaders who think that “it’s their way or the highway” create chaos and gridlock that result in stalled opportunities. The most recent debate in Washington DC illustrates this clearly. No one can be proud of that debacle. To effectively move our City forward will take courageous leadership, unencumbered by political ambition and/or political ego. Our City does not define us, but we define our City, and City Council must lead in that endeavor. The conversation and perceptions have to change. The discussion on moral and civic obligation has to be brought to the forefront. Living a life that matters doesnt happen by accident. Its not a matter of circumstance, but of choice. I choose to live a life that matters, the City’s future and your future matters to me. I want to be your candidate and your City Councilor. I look at this opportunity as one of the many blessings bestowed upon me. I humbly request your support, your prayers for guidance and your vote on Election Day, Tuesday November 5, 2013. Vote for the City of Fall River. Vote for Stephen R. Long as your City Councilor because “It Matters”.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 13:12:03 +0000

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