This will be TLTR (too long to read) for Short Attention Span - TopicsExpress


This will be TLTR (too long to read) for Short Attention Span America, so scroll on by like you normally do... For those of you who stayed... This is week two (Or is it week three?) of Fox News cynical blackout of Dish Network Customers to rape us of more of our hard earned money and Im feeling MUCH better. Ive gotten over my 20+ year relationship with Fox News much more quickly than I did that 15 year marriage I once had :) Good riddence! Dish substituted NewsMax-TV and it is a REAL news channel, kind of like Fox was when it started. For a conservative or libertarian NewsMax is a breath of fresh air after what Fox News had degenerated into... a mouthpiece for the republican party establishment gift wrapped in a cutey coochie pagent. I just enjoyed an hour berating the Fox News rubes on the Dish FB page (yawn, until it became boring shooting idiots in a barrel). It is frightening just how uninformed and immature are my fellow citizens. Heres what I served them in several hundred replies... • It amazes me how ignorant and whiney so many soon-to-be-former Dish customers are! Grow up and educate yourselves how this business works. Stop being a bunch of entitlement-minded brats. Dish is the retailer. Fox is the wholesaler. Fox sells their product to Dish. If Fox jacks up their price, Dish has no options other than jack up our prices or tell Fox to go pound sand. DUH! Frankly, Fox News is not worth even what Dish is paying for it now. I have been a Fox News viewer since FN started. It has degenerated into a personality-driven jiggle fest where little hard news is presented amongst the relentless rehashed political arguments. Give NewsMax-TV a try. Its hard news like Fox was when FN started, and you dont have to endure a constant parade of republican party establishment types. You want to buy a new dress for Megan Kelly? You want to dig deeper in your pocket so OReilly can enjoy yet another week off in the Bahamas? You want more of your beer money paying CARL ROVE? Well then, go to Direct TV, fool.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 19:32:40 +0000

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