This will be a long post but I hope you decide to read it through - TopicsExpress


This will be a long post but I hope you decide to read it through until the end because I believe it will be a blessing to you. As I now celebrate my 28th year on this earth, I think it is only now, as I look back on my life thus far, that I’ve come to truly understand when James said to ‘count it all joy when you fall into various trials.’ It is easy to count the blessings that are easily perceived. Yes, I am forever grateful for the many provisions God has given. When so many have lacked, He has seen it fit, in all his grace and mercy to provide, even when I didn’t deserve it. But, we are told to count it ALL. Count the disappointments and the failures. Count the heartbreaks and the struggles. Count the losses and the setbacks. Count the pain and the moments of panic. Count them all as joy because it is through all of these things that His perfect will is done! There have been many valleys, but I will count them all joy; laughter and tears alike because it is all to bring glory to His name and to mold us into our best selves possible, a reflection of Christ. Life is such a fragile thing. We often take the life-giving breath we breathe day after day for granted and more so, forget who granted it. For the past few days, I felt have nothing but gratitude and awe. My Lord, my Saviour, Jesus, He loved me even before I loved myself. He relentlessly pursued my heart when I had rejected His. He protected me when I had drifted far from the path of His security. The Lord has been so good to me. I remember five years ago crying and in pain whilst sitting on a hospital bed. I felt cheated, abandoned and punished by a God I had by then already neglected. It’s funny how the enemy will use our circumstances and emotions to drive wedges between those who we love and most of all, He who loves us. Despite my anger and my defiance, He was always there, calling me back with open arms, patiently waiting for me to realise that it is in Him and Him alone I would find rest! So I sit here now, on my 28th birthday, humbled and glad. The Lord has done such a marvellous work in my life. I can see the evidence of His hand in my life and look forward to where else He will take me. Yes, all things do work together for good to those who love the Lord! Oh, the love that sought me! Oh the blood that bought me! Oh, the grace that brought me to the fold, Wondrous grace that brought me to the fold.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 15:10:51 +0000

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