This will be a very long posting, but I would like to share it - TopicsExpress


This will be a very long posting, but I would like to share it with Jeremy Freiburger who has made the observation that we are more connected than we realize and that what goes round does indeed come around even when it takes the long way home. This then will be a long preface or backstory--maybe one yet to unfold. In Jeremys words the circle is tighter than we think. Fred Napoli Not only tighter, but richer, deeper! With a few daring moves, leaps of faith the much abused and misunderstood city of Hamilton (once, one of the richest cultural stops in North America for theatres and stages) could light a candle that would dazzle the world where art, culture and innovation are concerned. As it is now, it suffers from a kind of amnesia, unaware of its illustrious and brave history. If only its prodigal sons and daughters would come home and gather together for even a single season each year, the creative and innovative fruit of their presence and activities could bring a transformation where instead of being followers of other trends, Hamilton would be once again carving a whole new path of its own. The number of firsts and even scientific accomplishments of citizens of Hamilton going back a couple of hundred years is nothing less than outstanding. To have to admit that also it is unknown to its own citizens isnt just lamentable, short sighted, it is utterly stupid. The Mason & Risch semi concert grand I rescued at the beginning of my radio career from under a pile of bricks that was all that was left of the Granada, formerly the Grand Opera House of Hamilton was the twin of that companys first grand piano made expressly for the greatest piano virtuoso that ever lived, Franz Liszt ! The theatre itself was one of the finest venues in North America for many years after its opening night in the late 1870 or eighties! They tore it down for a strip mall! Below, the completely restored in every respect instrument upon which many of the greatest artists in the world played when they came to Hamilton. Thanks to the genius of Kevin Ellis, this marvelous instrument of which the master Franz Liszt thought so highly will be around for perhaps another hundred years. Yesterday at 12:33am · Edited · Like · 1 Marilyn Steadman Thought you two would be a good match:) Yesterday at 12:12am · Like · 1 Fred Napoli Thank you Marilyn, and thank you Jeremy. Yesterday at 12:41am · Like · 2 Dave Kuruc Fred is amazing and mg choice for a Hamilton arts award 17 hrs · Like · 1 Jeremy Freiburger Start filling in the nomination Dave. 16 hrs · Like Brian Morton Monday Nov 29 1880 was opening of the Grand Opera House. The play was THE BROOK by Salsburys Troubadours 14 hrs · Edited · Like Brian Morton And the strip mall was built in the 80s. It was torn down by Famous players for a parking lot for the Tivoli next door.... It came down in Dec 61 / January 62? It was the Downtown Theatre at that point - mostly used for Godzilla movies and other B rate fare in its final days. 14 hrs · Edited · Like Brian Morton I am writing a play that takes place at the Grand Opera House in 1885 and 1925 - so all the research is at hand as I write this . 14 hrs · Like · 1 Arthur Greenblatt Meeting Fred is an experience! Like you Jeremy, another (not) Jewish guy! 12 hrs · Like
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 06:28:44 +0000

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