This will be my last post on here for a while; its a lengthy one - TopicsExpress


This will be my last post on here for a while; its a lengthy one but please read it. Its important. I want to leave yall with an observation... The issues in the Middle East are devastating; so many suffering, children losing their lives all in the name of a socially constructed story. The Scottish referendum; a very important event - the Scots have been fighting for sovereignty and freedom from the many faces of the same English tyranny for hundreds of years. Both of these issues, and countless others, deserve extensive focus, conversation, debate and, most importantly, action - and theyve had it, through posts on here, massive media coverage; all lively topics in the social discourse. However, when it comes to the issue of climate change, which renders all other issues relatively insignificant, so many of us just switch off. It is so essential that we look closely at the disparity between the level of focus on the former localised, tangible, present day issues and the latter which is shrouded in the illusion that its some abstract, distant problem which doesnt really impact any of us directly. It isnt and it does. We have to have the courage, the awareness of personal and moral responsibility to turn our attention inward and consider what it is that has us disregard the most urgent and mortally threatening issue any human has ever had to face. We must understand that we have an inbuilt mechanism of our psyches to blinker out potentially distressing information to maintain the stasis of our minds. But this is low level functioning, its what got us all into this mess in the first place, and what perpetuates it even now with all of the worlds top climate scientists punching the air on the rooftops screaming to us about how we are ALREADY beyond safe levels. So many people dont realise that every day we continue burning fossil fuels, every moment we just go about our lives as though the polar ice caps arent melting, the oceans arent acidifying, the Amazon isnt being felled exponentially and drying up due to global warming, we are moving ever closer to a tipping point which we wont be able to turn back from. It could be in our lifetimes, it could be in our childrens, but at some point soon the ecosystems will reach a point of collapse that will initiate a chain reaction into disaster. We must make ourselves aware of the facts, keep reminding ourselves and each other of our intrinsic tendencies to numb and block out overwhelming emotions. We have to open ourselves to community, move into a time of connection, empathy, awareness. If we dont understand how our own thoughts affect our perception and subsequent actions, how can we ever think and act proactively? This is a great personal challenge as so much of our lives is based around distraction, denial and avoidance. But were all living on borrowed time; its time to give it back, be honest with ourselves for the sake of all life on earth. If you think its all going to be ok, science will save us; youre wrong. 97% of the worlds top climate scientists and environmentalists will tell you the same. If youre waiting for divine intervention; its already here! The movements mobilizing all over the world are the channel for change and raising of consciousness to new levels. If you think we have time and we can just leisurely make changes; we dont! We must make radical changes, inspiring and giving permission to others to do the same. We all have personal problems, fears, we all suffer, but this is the key to transcending all of that. This is the fight weve all been waiting for, the cause to stand up for. Be part of the movement. Educate and get skilled in what is necessary to make a difference. Let go of the prioritizing of comfort and convenience; its all an illusion anyway! Somewhere someone or something is paying for all of our lavishness, and sooner rather than later so will we. Please dont ignore this. Nobody is going to save us other than ourselves. I hope this is received in the spirit it was written; not some poxy lecture of shoulds and shouldnts, but a humbly impassioned plea from a person who has been through, and continues to go through, the beautiful pain of realization of this stark, but collectively improvable, reality. I love you all, and our home, and all of the beings on it. See you all soon xxx
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 21:41:37 +0000

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