This will be my only post today, and I contemplating if it will be - TopicsExpress


This will be my only post today, and I contemplating if it will be my last. Claims are made in two differant fashions, one is based on belief, and one is made on facts through study and observation. My decisions and claims for them are always based in the latter which is observation and fact and so far it hasnt let me down, and I trust that what I decide today will also be the correct thing to do. Being an openly outspoken atheist has created many issues for me on here that has made me re-evaluate many things lately so I can sleep with a clear concience at night and live with myself without conflict in my character and decency as a person. Last night may have been the tipping point in determining how much longer I would avoid the hypocrisy that exists on Facebook and if I will continue to be willing to observe it quietly or take a stand on it and make another decision as to what to do. People are making it very difficult to be an atheist on here, oh Im not talking about the religious, Im talking about the atheist community thats now more hypocritical than the hypocrisy In the religious along with behaving much worse. The Trolling and harrassing is more one sided on the part of my fellow atheists and I cringe even saying fellow because I have to fend off the negative stigmas they create for atheism. I have many friends In religion on here that mind their business and are attacked and harassed constantly. I see it for myself when I check out their posts of a pic of their jesus and see tons of comments and out of curiosity I look....and I see many people I know Trolling the shit out of them getting nasty and rude. The hypocrisy is in doing themselves what they accuse the religious of doing and deny being Trolls. Ive had them do it to me also, bcause they dont like my views on current events in the world and them. This mentaliy of. Im an atheist so because of that I can do no wrong and am justified to be an ignorant hostile asshole has worn real thin for me as of late. Ive also been exposed first hand as to the credibility in people as in the real world and always chalk it up to another learning experience and I dont get angry and lose my mind over it, I simply make changes that are better for me going forward. Atheism is being harmed more than helped by Facebook and the harm comes from the atheists themselves and needs no help from religion to make it look like gangs of angry attacking people in a state of paranoia. Its taken on a Like Minded Cult society where free thinking is frowned on and discouraged, everyone Is told now be rude and attack personally and hate and have an ant hill culture all working as just one with no individual thought in it. The Nazis were the same way. Free thinking is being expunged from atheism for the purpose of systematically turning it into a religious structure with leaderships handing down the way they need to think and the way they need to behave and attack people, and the ones wanting to be the leaders display only hate and emotional instability, no differant than the baptism ministers down south. Yes, Hypocrisy, ..denouncing religion for thinking all alike and the extremists in religion attacking gays. The Facebook wanna be atheistreligions leaders found their targets to hate also and their target has an even wider range, but its ok, they are atheists and are allowed. Being disgusted isnt being angry, its simply the highest level of dissaproval of poor behavior possible. Whats just as bad as what the religions do that try to keep their believers is how its now becoming the same in atheism with this Facebook culture. If you speak out on the poor behavior they attack and Troll anyone that sheds light on the things they dont want looked at as much as religion like to keep things quiet and not exposed. When you back away to be yourself they try to keep pulling you back in their fold of hostility. I cant support something and people I know for fact arent honest, do what they accuse others of and deny doing themselves. I cant be a part of a Nazi Movement In the name of No God, I cant be part of being expected to defend people lying and decieving and hate just because we share the atheist nametag. This is what Facebook has given the forum to. I dont like what goes on more and more by the day. Ive never behaved like some In religion by insisting on converting people like they do, and Ive never tried to convert anyone to atheism and attack them if they dont like what I say on the myth of gods and speak from my knowledge of knowing whats in 66 books Ive read and tell how they are fabricated tales and talk about how there never has been proof of any of the worlds many gods beieved in. Hypocrisy is running rampant in Atheism on Facebook. Like everything else it didnt happen over night, its been a slow gradual process led by individuals striving for leadership roles and want to be followed and preach their word to be taken as gospel and take away free thinking to be their clones and overlook their behavior and condone it and never question them on their hypocrisy of being exactly what they attack about what goes in In religions. Its almost impossible to avoid on Facebook now, you can block all you want and like roaches in the night new ones appear when the sun comes up shedding light on them. There are enough ways off of Facebook to do things I feel make a differance in a more positive way and avoid all the chaos and Hypocrisy. Im evaluating available options and giving many things some hard rational thought Its been gradually leading me away from here for reasons of integrity and honesty and decent behavior that means more to me than anything that Facebook has to offer. In the Marine Corps. its said that a leaders is someone that sets an example worth following. Do you see any here? I dont. And atheism doesnt need leaders...only rational thinkers.. Peace.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 11:51:00 +0000

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