This will be the final time I bring this subject up. As many of - TopicsExpress


This will be the final time I bring this subject up. As many of you know(and a lot who do not), I recently lost my friend Barry Collin of 18 yrs(just lost,not passed away). This is my telling of what I know(some of this is conjecture on my part). I borrowed some money from a sweet little old lady who I usually help by visiting or going to the store for her(and yes I would bring back receipts for her to know what was spent). On one such trip I believe a neighbor next door(Barry Hynes) thought I was duping the poor girl. I dont know for sure but the way this Mr Hynes views me...well After this I was told by my BArry jr. not to do this for various reasons.I concurred and agreed.Now at this point I believed everything to be ok.I arrived at my friend Barry Collins building to talk with him and was given a ream job by the nosy old neighbor next door.What did he ream me about.. He told me that Barry had told him I borrowed cash from the lady and he AND Barry had banned me from the building.After talking to Barry he said he had not done that.I agreed due to the fact that he sent a message stating it would be done IF I were to borrow from her again.I left the building and saw a neighbor whom Mr Collins had said told HIM that I borrowed cash.She flat out denied it stating that she was just told by Mr.Collins.I realized at this point Barry had lied to me about whom had told him.Why I do not know,but suffice to say I believe it was done at the behest of the nosy old man next door.Now I figured all was ok when I left.That Saturday night I posted about it.Really laying it on the older guy next door.Im not sure how but much to my surprise the next day...Barry Collins and I were no longer friends.I was perplexed and upset.I tried to contact him to find out what was the problem.All I got was rebuffed and ignored.That made me angry.No explanation or anything.I later find out through various people that I apparently I was yelling at someone(most likely this woman I TALKED to)and I believe the old guy next door told Barry I screamed at one of his tenants.This is not true at all.I merely asked her and she told me she hadnt .I believed her because she has never lied to my in the 6 yrs I have known her and had no reason to.After 1 week all hell seems to have broken loose and I still have no REAL reason as to this behavior.Be that as it may......I was in the wrong to borrow from someone on a fixed income...I realize that and accept responsibility for this.Anything else is hearsay or lies. NOW All I ask..... If anyone knows and is friends with both of us..... PLEASE before deciding Im an ass or he is an ass let me say this DONT TAKE SIDES and take anything said by him or me with a grain of salt. Please I am asking that everyone that hears or knows of this incident be neutral. Whether we end up friends or not I seriously doubt due to the fact I sent a few messages in anger over what I believed to be mistreatment.All I wanted was to understand WHY he did this instead of talking to me .I thank anyone for reading this and again ask that you remain neutral.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 18:13:54 +0000

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