This will get unpleasant, so if mirrors upset you, stop reading - TopicsExpress


This will get unpleasant, so if mirrors upset you, stop reading now… People get the ugly government and uncompromising country that they deserve. Congratulations Koch brothers, Republicans, Tea Partiers, and everyone else who insists on giving us a country where everything and everyone has a price tag and are theirs to control; mind, body, and spirit. Hats off to those who wish to continue to perpetrate an us vs. them mentality and whose only motivation to take this country into a new day is resource extraction and profit. Felicitations to those who hate a president so much because he is black (yes, I used the “race card” because it is true) that they are willing to reelect a Congress that is inept and had a 10 percent approval rating. But mostly, I would like to thank those Democrats and Independents who told a polling telemarketer how dissatisfied you were with the current state of things, and FAILED to get out to vote the incompetent out of office. You reinforce the fairytale that it all rests with one black man, that it’s all his doing, and that the “minor” elections don’t matter. I’m here to remind you that that apologue is just that, a falsehood. Einstein once gave us the definition of insanity, to keep repeating an action despite expecting that the results of such actions would not remain the same. Yesterday, the people of this country voted to continue the maladroit absurdity and insensitive recklessness of an inoperable body of legislators. The day before yesterday, we had finally all had a guarantee of insurance, an attempt to keep our water, air, soil, and food safer, and a hope that those who continuously vote raises for themselves, would raise the income level of the working poor to such a point that they, too, could afford to feed, clothe, educate, and keep safe their children. That day’s sun has set. Instead, we continue to feed hardworking people to the bread line of food banks and street living. Instead, we continue to indoctrinate a populous to the myth of black welfare moms pumping out babies to get a bigger check, while big business takes every resource, tax exemption, and loophole in order to hand it over to those who would turn our country into a poisonous garbage dump of toxic water and pollution. Instead, we continue to preach a venomous hate that some are less worthy of dignity and equal rights; while moralizing my white straight stepfather and countless millions of others, like Rush Limbaugh, had the God-given, “natural” right to marry multiple women because let’s face it, they’re in charge because we let them be. Instead, we continue, NOT down a road to a brighter tomorrow, but rather, to a dawning of a militarized police state where everyone gets a gun, but not an education; a pink slip, but not a chance to better themselves; a cheaper gallon of gas, but not a safe tap of water, shot down in the streets, instead of raised up into their brilliance. Instead, we continue, our status quo of sheep-hood, for we no longer have a government of the people, for the people, by the people; but rather it is one of the money, for the profit, by the 1%. Instead, we continue, driving down the road with adverts that condition us to believe that corporations are considered “people” and people are considered resources. Instead we continue to make war, not peace; speak hate, not love; exhibit xenophobia and racism, not inclusion and comprise. Instead we blame the teacher instead of the politician who diverts funds mandated for education into a general fund, so their paychecks continue, even after they bankrupt the system. Our country has become a landscape of bake sales for school curriculum, but a blank check for the warmongers, because they use fear to control us, not to enlighten us. So thank you, complainers! You got exactly what you REALLY wanted: more to complain about. Yesterday, we had a choice, one of a few peoples that do, to change the landscape, to stop the habit of insanity; but instead, the Republican-controlled Congress will say that they have a mandate of the people to continue the slow erosion of our rights, our safety, and our dignity.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 13:34:14 +0000

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