This will one day happen in America, note to those that are - TopicsExpress


This will one day happen in America, note to those that are Unbelievers. When Christians are being Killed, Persecuted, and Silenced in your Country, ANY Country. Their is something very wrong. With that. Pay attention, and stand up for those irregardless of whether or not they belief the same AS YOU. Your Free, So Should Be Those That Think and Belief and Live Differently than YOU. Stop being selfish, and Americans Unit. Stop allowing Political Parties to divide on Lies, and Nonfactual information. The closest to tell the Truth is the Conservative Grass Roots/ Patriot and Constitutionalists. Pay attention to THEM. They are for Freedom, Transparency, and Honesty. Republican and Liberal are Trash anymore. And Liars Equally.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 10:49:50 +0000

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