This will probably not make me any new friends…and may cause me - TopicsExpress


This will probably not make me any new friends…and may cause me to lose some of my old friends, but its something I have wanted to say for awhile now and today…Im saying it…been staying away from politics…and really dont plan to use my page for that subject with all Im going through, but this country is going to $HIT and its time we all TALK ABOUT IT!!!! Maybe its because Im sick, maybe its because my husband just died or maybe its because Im just mad as hell, but… I am a mixed race, Independent, Hard Working (worked 51 years of my life), American, Tax-Paying, Bike Riding, Granny With A Gun. No Excuses Proud Of It!! That is me! That is who I am!! I believe in God and the freedom of religion, but I dont push it on others. I believe in American products and buy them whenever I can. I believe the money I make belongs to me and not some radical governmental functionary, Democratic or Republican, that wants to share it with others….who dont work or wont work! I am charitable...If I have it to give I will (and do often), but it will be my choice….AS IT SHOULD BE!! I think owning a gun doesnt make you a killer; OR a low-class citizen, it makes you a smart American. I think being a minority does not make you a victim, and does not entitle you to anything. AND, I will feel the same way when I join that group at the projected time of 2022! I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac or any other item, you should do it in English. I believe there should be no other language option for you…NO pressing any dayum number and no language barrier for me. I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God when and where they want to….OR NOT to pray at all if they choose not to. My heroes come in all colors....MLK, John Wayne, Babe Ruth, Ronald Reagan, John Kennedy and many others too numerous to mention. I even liked Mickey Mouse :-) This is AMERICA ...We like it the way it is and more so, the way it used to be before it began to be FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGED (and BTW….it didnt just start with Obama) I say to our government stop trying to change it to look like Russia or China. I believe it is time to really clean house, starting with the Washington deadbeats who suck us dry…take our money and make themselves RICH, while they keep the middle class stagnant and the poor get poorer….we need to change the diapers on the seats of our biggest problems….and while doing so, throw ALL the $hit out this Nov….FROM BOTH PARTIES!! While Im ranting, I also am very upset and Im sick and tired of our citizens getting their heads chopped off and we act like its someone who just lost their finger…we pass it off like its nothing, while we go off and play a round of golf….we say very little about it, but we chime in about a pro football player knocking his girlfriend out in an elevator….or we spend days talking about a black kid who is shot by a white cop. First of all…what happened in that elevator is SICK and the dude should have his A$$ in jail, secondly, any kid…black or white, that gets killed by a cop, or anyone is sad...but…it should not involve the president of the United States. FOR OUR president to HOLD beer summits…send a chorus of WH personel and make a TV speech about something that happens in Pro ball, etc, no matter what party they represent, seems a bit out of whack for me…..we have enough MAJOR things going on in this world to keep his or her full attention. Like for instance Isis chopping off heads of American citizens. I also think the cops have the right to pull you over if youre breaking the law, regardless of what color you are, but not just because you happen to ride a bike, not just because youre black or hispanic. And, no, I dont mind having my face shown on my drivers license….or identifying myself when I vote…DAYUM proud to vote!!. I think its good.... And Im proud that God is written on my money.. I think you should know HOW to vote before you are allowed to vote…. if you are too uneducated…unknowledgeable, to know how a ballot works,then you should have to go through a training session…just like taking a drivers test. I dont want you deciding who should be running the most powerful nation in the world for the next four years….if you dont even know how to pull the right lever by his or her name. JMO I believe that it doesnt take a village to raise a child, it takes two parents.... I believe illegal is illegal (NOT UNDOCUMENTED) no matter what the lawyers think or what PC crap we are taught. ! I believe the American flag should be the only OFFICIAL one allowed to fly in AMERICA ! Exceptions are state flags, etc…but NO other country flag should be allowed. THIS IS AMERICA!! If this makes me a BAD American, then, Im a BAD American. I saw this printed in a newspaper and I agree 100% If it makes me bad…then add BadA$$ Granny to my resume!! My great, great, great, great grandfather watched and bled as his friends died in the Revolution & the War of 1812. My great, great, great grandfather watched as his friends died in the Mexican American War. My great, great grandfather watched as his friends & brothers died in the Civil War. My great grandfather watched as his friends died in the Spanish-American War. My grandfather watched as his friends died in WW I. My father watched as his friends died in WW II. I watched as my friends died in Vietnam , Panama & Desert Storm. My son watched & bled as his friends died in Afghanistan and Iraq . None of them died for the Mexican Flag. Everyone died for the American flag. Texas high school students raised a Mexican flag on a school flag pole, other students took it down. Guess who was expelled...the students who took it down. California high school students were sent home on Cinco de Mayo, because they wore T-shirts with the American flag printed on them. Enough is enough …..Weve bent over backwards and backwards again to appease the America-haters long enough. Stop kissing their A$$ and start Kicking their A$$ and make our country safe…destroy these Isis terrorist….close our borders….allow immigration to take place in an orderly fashion and stop making excuses for people who will NOT take responsibility for themselves. Tell the deadbeats... Get a job and do your part to support yourself and your family! If you fall on hard times…well help you, but a free cell phone aint part of the deal!! Im taking a stand. Im standing up because the hundreds of thousands who died fighting in wars for this country, and for the American flag….were from many different nationalities, they were Indian Americans, chinese, African Americans, many others…..but they FOUGHT FOR AMERICA…because they believed in the freedoms we held true…the immigrants who came here legally came here to honor the AMERICAN flag…they didnt come here to fly their flag. They wanted to become American citizens…they wanted to learn to speak English and they did!!. I was made in the USA and Im very proud of it…Im also proud of anyone who wants to come here and become one of us…Do it legally and Ill be the first one to say, Welcome To The Greatest Country On Earth I HOPE and PRAY we can keep it great…LOVE each other..ALL races…e together and NOT be dividers, but be UNITED…as IN….United States Of America. We Are The USA. Lets stand Up and make it a proud nation once more….and for those of my friends (and I do still love you) who think we are boisterous…I say…YES, we are…..WE have opened our arms wide and GIVEN and GIVEN to so many, and NOW some of those same people we have educated in our colleges…. they are now joining with Isis and trying to KILL us. NO more pandering!! I dont have much longer on this earth, but I cry for my children and grandchildren…wondering what kind of world they will have to live in. I think I feel better now!!God bless America!!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 18:10:23 +0000

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