This woman is said to be a witch. She may have had the balancing - TopicsExpress


This woman is said to be a witch. She may have had the balancing of time and location wrong in order to cause her accidental exposure to the public. What we call witchcraft in Africa is simply, the ability to manifest ones physical body into other forms and shapes at will and also to remotely manipulate other people to do things they wouldnt normally like to do as if they choose to do it. All humans have this capabilites and use them largely unconsciously. All people use different lying systems to deceive their friends, family and opponents for unfair advantages but they do not consider that they are practicing witchcraft at its basic form. Monarchs, Governments,Corporate Executives and politicians have been and still are the biggest practitioners of witchcraft. Theirs is a covert science called Institutional Witchcraft, knowledge of which is passed on from father to son or mother to daughter at home or in the fraternal lodges. Yet adepts like this woman are those who consciously have been trained for years since childhood, to practice as professionals just as you learn accounting and qualify as an accountant. The sadness of the African witchcraft culture is that they have not been allowed any reason to evolve to the point where the can deliberately use their abilities to advance scientific processes and technological ones for a better living for all due to various reasons. Some of the reasons include the clash of cultures between European consciousness and African traditional consciousness which is constantly shocking the African mind with untold amount of uncertainties. Consciousness is the ability to be aware of what you are thinking about in the now moment. The European consciousness is a trading consciousness while the African consciousness remains chained in the mode of survival consciousness only. The European consciousness is highly awake and doesnt want the African consciousness to be aware of itself let alone be aware of its potentials. There is a hope though for Africa, and that hope doesnt lie in the hands of any government or group as most people are expecting. It lies in the hand of every individual that chooses to wake up from the deep sleep that has been casted over the continent by the European consciousness. That consciousness is what the bible calls principalities and powers. More and more Africans are waking up now, slowly at first, but the numbers are growing. It will continue and can not be stopped until the critical mass is reached. Critical Mass is the minimum percentage number of people who would raise their individual consciousness high enough to tilt the collective African consciousness from survival mode to full recovery mode. The earth itself is ready for this and calling for this to happen and the whole universe is in agreement and support of us. At the the point of critical mass, people will know what to do and what to say at anytime because it will become common knowledge to all automatically and people wouldnt have to defend themselves against the wiles of the European anymore. You will know what to say or do for personal safety,security and economic advantage at the moment you need to know. You still have that capability now but not enough Africans consciously know about it and use so that part of our mind is still dormant. It is not yet active in our collective consciousness. In the meantime, dont fear witches and what they do. Just dont think about them or fear them and they will not have power over you. All humans have free will as a constant nature of our existence and that can never be overruled until you give your consent through ignorance or willingly. If you are a christian and have reasons to fear witches then use a few of the many biblical verses which gives you confidence and power over Satan as a defeated enemy and read repeatedly to your own hearing when you wake up in the morning and last at night before you go to bed. Increase your hunger for real knowledge and stop marking time at class one when you should be a university graduate in the streetwise subjects of how things are caused to be in the world by just a tiny percentage of people for their advantage only through skills and techniques that you can also learn and use to better your own lots in life. The same people secretly train and bribe your top religious leaders to encourage you to keep your hopes in heaven whilst you live on earth. To be awake, seek the symbolic meaning of all of the messages by the avatar of your particular religion rather than the literal meaning of them or the spurious interpretations that changes with every political whim. All religious literatures were written in symbolic and poetic languages and styles depending on the era in which they were written. Personal freedom is the order of this age so go ahead and free yourself before you attempt to help your wife husband or children, else you may not make. You can only give what you have so get it before you think of giving. Enjoy this video and if you need any help, please ask and it shall be given.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:45:05 +0000

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