This world (civilizations throughout time) that has been created - TopicsExpress


This world (civilizations throughout time) that has been created for you (but NOT for you to be more accurate) by the people that have been in power throughout the ages considering everything theyve set up here and continue to do at increasing levels and increasing rate really makes me want to leave, at least in the capacity of making my exit from this corrupt society that is so detrimental to our health, in all ways mentally, spiritually (really about the same thing mental and spiritual), and physically. However being the spiritual warrior that I am, walking with God as I have my whole life I am also pulled to stay here in the thick with everyone so as to be a light of truth illuminating all the lies and deception combating all this manipulation and destruction of the soul with my own powers that counter all that for the necessary balance. I am not afraid of death (physical death is not death, there is no death ideas live forever), I am not afraid to stand alone and be called crazy in a crazy world by the crazy people in it lol. They (the crazies) have been made that way so I can be the antidote curing them into sanity showing them the reality of whats taking place here. All it takes for wickedness to prevail is for the pure souls to do nothing. You all need me not the other way around because simply stated many of my interactions with people here in this experience we call life has not made my stay here enjoyable, you need me because I know God within and God in you all whether you act in accordance with that or not and my aim here is to remove your illusions (ignorance is bliss) and shine light on all the darkness around us so you can thus begin to navigate through it all properly and head to the places you need to be, in life and within yourselves. Adapt and overcome is the order of the day everyday here, not running away from the problems but going headlong straight into them armed with solutions to fix them. Basic survival seems to be right around the corner for us all, so you can see my dilemma here and the choices I have to make for my own well being, but if it means helping those in the struggle, helping some out of it then in the struggle I will be right alongside and just as vulnerable to all the attacks that they have planned for us and have done time and time again and are in the process of doing right now. This has always been a war for your mind, this has always been a souls journey through the darkest depths, hell on earth. You know its been the end of the world for all those in wars, for all those who have had huge bombs dropped on their cities. You know its been the end of the world for all the countless victims of the beast system and its program for absolute domination and exploitation of its citizenry. I cant stress enough that we are at the precibus now of long since planned events, we are in times of great prophecy throughout many cultures spanning all time. That said its exhilarating but at the same time so surreal taking it all in for those with eyes that see it all that pertinent decisions have to be made and fast relating to the nature of this post, the question of....Should I stay or should I go?
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 03:47:26 +0000

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