This world is not permanent, and even the atheists know that. - TopicsExpress


This world is not permanent, and even the atheists know that. Death is inevitable and cannot be avoided. In this temporary world, we like to believe that we’re here permanently because of our actions. But in reality there is a life after this world, and that life will not end, it’ll continue forever. We do despicable stuff in this world and sometimes we were not faced by consequences, but that does not mean we have escaped punishment. We will get our punishment or reward in the hereafter. Death is frightening People are afraid of death because the concept of not existing is too harsh; everyone wants to leave a mark on the face of the earth; a mark that says they were here and made a difference. But more than that people want a guarantee that they would be remembered. And I don’t blame them. The thought of dying forever is a scary one. Concepts about death Muslims believe that they would revive on Judgment Day and then the next life will continue. Christians also believe that, but they believe that Jesus Christ has atoned for their sins by dying on the cross. Christians believe that all sins can be forgiven if one asks for it in the life on earth. Sins like rape and genocide can also be forgiven. Buddhists believe that there is no afterlife and after the death of one person the soul simply disintegrates. Do we fear the afterlife? From what I’ve seen, we humans are not afraid of anything. We commit sins every hour of every day, and we are not worried that the reactions of those sins might bite us one day. We live on earth with a surety that astounds me. We build huge houses, buy useless clothes, decorate our houses and essentially do everything in our power to make it seem like a permanent abode. We know that we cannot live here forever and yet we forget it in our daily life. We know we have to face the music in the afterlife and yet we continue doing the same things. We have forgotten about afterlife so much that our conscience is not asleep but has gone into a coma. Once in a while, on the death of a loved one for instance, we are faced with the reality and our conscience comes to life but after a while it goes into a stupor again. Are we not giving importance to afterlife? No, we are not. People who know they are travelers don’t have this indifferent attitude. If we were worried about afterlife, we wouldn’t be apathetic towards the happenings in the world. We live in this world like we were born to rule it. We commit sins intentionally; we lie, we cheat, we steal, we bribe and we forget the reason we are here in this world. This could be one of the reasons why this world is such a healthy place for the soul because we have forgotten that one day we will have to suffer the punishment of all the wrongs we have done. *** In my article based on social awareness. The awareness of the need to share my article to awake consciousness and ask me about this, if you have any queries regarding the article then make comments or leave out suggestions as well*** Penman: Ashrafuzzaman Minhaz Researcher at York University Ph.D in Public Administration and Good Governance. York University https://twitter/A_Minhaz facebook/Minhaz Member of the federal executive committee of Conservative Party of Canada - Parti conservateur du Canada
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 19:11:06 +0000

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