This would be surprising to them and other Mainstream Media - TopicsExpress


This would be surprising to them and other Mainstream Media people. As they are the only people blind to the REAL ACTIONS OF PBHO. PBHO has done NOTHING of any value to helping or increasing the good in peoples lives anywhere in the world. List PBHOs World Wide Positives, If You Can? The Negatives for PBHO are much longer than there is time left for him to stay in THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAS WHITE HOUSE. Quickly though we have 1-Fast and Furious, Benghazi 4 AMERICANS MURDER AND LEFT ALONE, IRS PATRIOT TARGETING, DOJ DOING NOTHING ABOUT ANYTHING ILLEGAL AND ONLY SUPPORTING ILLEGAL ACTIONS AGAINST ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING GOOD AND MORAL, PBHO never knows anything about anything of value or importance, PBHO has picked every muslim brotherhood leader to support around the world, PBHO & DOJ have picked only the laws of America that they like to support and ALL OTHERS CAN JUST BE FORGOT ABOUT. Lets not forget Voter Intimidation by the Black Panthers on video that was not prosecuted, Black Panthers sending out Video Bounty on the Head of George Zimmerman. And Lastly let us not forget OBAMACARE ACT: the cost cutting and health insuring act the covers everyone for everything if you can find a DOCTOR WHO IS STILL IN BUSINESS AND ON THEIR APPROVED NETWORK. If it was so GOOD AND GREAT, WHY IS IT CALLED AFFORDABLE WHEN TAX PAYERS, WITHOUT A SAY, HAVE TO SUBSIDIZE THE COST FOR JUST ABOUT EVERYONE GETTING COVERAGE THROUGH IT? It just like PBHO is a lie and he is a liar. For him to be listed as any kind of a leader would be a lie as well. He is the worst thing ever elected to office not once but twice. He has done nothing but tear down the USA economy, destroy the Medical System, Increase Unemplorment, Decrease employee pay and benefits, Waistefully Spend Tax Payers Money to vacation more than the length of the Baseball Season, which is almost year around. He has played more golf than the last 5 Presidents put together. And while exponentially increasing the National Debt, more than all other Presidents put together, he vacations and travels more to accomplish nothing than any one in the past. Barack Hussein Obama is the worst, good for nothing White House Occupant in the history of America. If he would unseal all his past records you would find that he is not even an American. Just a Fraud.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 19:29:16 +0000

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